No man is an island…

 It took many men to put this house back together, and while it’s true there have been glitches and bumps and fist fights  disagreements along the way, there has also been a fantastic collaboration of real talent among these men to make This Old House what it is becoming. I see the weariness in their faces now… many long months of working on top of and around and underneath each other, and when the going got tough, sometimes the tough got psychotic   coffee!…  but look what they’ve done.  I hope they know how good they are….how well their talents are coming together.  

Jeff working on trim …

and island issues….there were a few.
The Klausen crew in front of one of their works of art…
Steve Seeley on top of his work of art…. he’s almost through the roof!
Pete, Mike’s right-hand man ….
Mike S. is new on the job…here he is installing shelving in the kitchen pantry.  Hey Mike.. a word to the wise… don’t move Steve’s rocks, like..ever… or ask Jeff to move his truck. 
Just sayin.
We’ve tried to find fixtures that were vintage looking….
Floor grates…

6 thoughts on “No man is an island…”

  1. Oh gosh… how cool is that floor grate? And black no doubt. You are one lucky lady to get to live in that house.


  2. It's going to be SO great! It is actually looking GREAT already Karen!!! Aren't you just unbelievably excited to move in??? Love those floor grates! It cracks me up that the work guys have to pose for pics!

  3. Goodness, how wonderful!! I love everything! Hey, that guy working in the pantry looks like Jeff Foxworthy. 🙂

  4. Oh that Island! Cannot wait to see it finished… but wow, I am in love already. I have always wanted an Island!!

    What a great crew! Very talented men and you can tell they are taking great pride in their work.

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