Of the Little things, and the bigger things too

    The sun decided to peek out from under all those rain clouds yesterday so I took my traveling buddy down to Stella with the intention of a good walk for both of us and as I suspected, her grass was tall.  My son bought one of those hand mowers, the kind our grandfathers used to have with no motor, just manual push.  He’s been so busy with our company work, and some of that is real manual labor, that I haven’t wanted to burden him with yet another work chore.  So, I have been doing the little lawn myself with that push mower – and I have to say – I’m liking the manual work.  It takes about 45 minutes to get all around Stella’s little self and across the street on our little “parking lot”… or really just the spit of grass.  I have to say it though, I am not Type A with these things, as my two guys are.  There are lines, there are missed blades, the trim work ain’t happen’n through me. 
 Frasier and I sat down and gazed out over the cove once finished, and the smell of fresh cut grass mixed with a salty breeze was heavenly. 

 I saw this quote on instagram, typed it up and framed it.  My plan for this little cottage I call Stella is -respite-.  When you visit and look around, your eyes should be able to find little messages of inspiration, of love, of hope, of peace of mind, enjoyment and appreciation for the little things that can bring big joy in life if you remember to look, to really see and appreciate them.   We get so darn busy in life and we do a good job of complicating things, we could all use the reminder.  What are we here for, after all. 
       A lovely blog friend of mine recommended a post she thought I would enjoy.  I checked it out, read the most recent blog entry,  and loved what the blog writer had to share… her love of old things in particular.   She is also a New Englander, like me.   Here’s where I’m going to be honest although it is not something that pleases me in this case. It’s poignant because of what we are all dealing with on some level if we’re not avoiding the political scene altogether. 
     I decided to scroll through more blog posts by this same blogger to see what other “old” or “New England” things she might be sharing.   What I came across was her opinion on our current President.  To be clear, she has every right, and I certainly blather on here about my own opinion.   In it’s most basic interpretation, she is thrilled with 45.  She feels we finally have a real president she can be proud of.  
       That stopped me in my tracks.  I don’t know this person at all, she is probably a lovely person I would enjoy talking to regarding old things and New England in general, family, whatever and so on.  My feeling toward wanting to read any more of what she has to share immediately changed, though, once I read that  political opinion.  For the life of all that is holy I can’t fathom how anyone can be proud of a man who has shown such awful traits, and yet there are many who approve of him whole heartedly.   I’m not proud of my own judgement of someone who feels that way.  I’m just being honest here even though my reaction certainly is not something to be proud of.    This whole thing makes me sad.   I see people pitted against each other, turning away from each other, shunning each other… because of this situation we are all in.   In my lifetime so far, anyway, never has there been such bitter division over an elected official, let alone the POTUS.   
    I wish we didn’t give one man such power… to do this to all of us.  We the People… we need each other, regardless of political affiliation, regardless of who sits in the Oval office, which party holds more power.  We need to be a part of the series of checks and balances, we shouldn’t turn away from each other. And yet, as in the case of the blogger above, I am compelled.   Sad deal! 
 I love this picture shared on FB.  When I look at it, I see two men who have the grace and dignity and knowledge and caring to be world leaders.   I don’t see perfection when I look at this photo, that is simply not possible given human nature to start with… but… they are free of scandal, they have never in my opinion been disrespectful to the office they hold/held.  While some of their policies may not have had my support,  I never once felt they had any bad intentions and at the very least, have the welfare of We the People as their core concern.   Someone else might look at this picture and revile, just as I do when I see support for 45.   How is it we can see things so differently?   And yet we do. 
That statement above either pisses you off because you agree, 
or pisses you off because you don’t.  Right or wrong?
Who’s to say.  Regardless,  awful that this comes between us, 
We the People. 
May we all get past this great divide and come back together as
a Nation, for the greater good of all. 
 I thank you for stopping by to read my simple musings –  it’s a new day, all, let’s make it a good one.