On Burning and the Bills…

 If you don’t live under a rock you know the outcome of last night’s grand jury decision in the MB shooting.  Tragedy all around.  I wrote a huge post on the subject early this morning. Then I deleted the whole thing.   I realized I had no answers, I had no solutions and my opinion is just that.  The end result is a young man is dead, a young officer who has never fired his weapon on the job until that fateful evening will have to live with the consequences for the rest of his life… and some angry protesters took it upon themselves to burn their town instead of making the kind of statements that might change the conversation, heal wounds, move forward in a positive way. 

Bill Cosby –  *sigh*   Boy, that was hard to hear.  I have loved that man and his sense of humor for decades.  At first I honestly had the thought… oh, here comes another  has- been  spurned starlet whose career never took off, now she’s older and writing a book and wants it to sell. So she drops a bomb on a powerful guy and wow, how unfair is that.   I had no doubt Bill was capable of affairs, seems to come with the territory of huge star power… but drugging and raping?  Come on, not BILL!?….

I had the same reaction when the Monica Lewinsky crap came out… Oh PLEASE… There is no way Bill would be so stupid as to have an affair with a very young naive intern who would most definitely spill the beans because  OMG I’M SCREWING  AROUND WITH  THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!   and yet…. it was true.

Not going to make fans here but I still think Bill Clinton was one of our better Presidents and my Conservative Republican husband actually agrees. I think we made a huge circus out of something we had no business f*cking with.  Presidents have conducted affairs – right or wrong – for all of our Presidential history and it has never hindered their performance as our leader until we decided to meddle where we don’t belong.. in their bedrooms.. or closets where blue dresses with stains are preserved for future prosecution.

Now why did I go there again??…. ah yes. The question .. what is it about men of great power thinking they can do atrocious things and get away with them?  What gives them the impression they WILL get away with it?  

As for Bill Cosby… with so many women coming out of the woodwork with similar stories…my original theory doesn’t hold water and I’m just sad for the man and his family and especially the women who were abused.

I think I’ve ranted enough on this blog for a while. Next.. a tale of neutered bunnies….. really!