One of these days, Alice….

BOOM!.. Right to the moon!!!
 Sometimes, especially when I think I’m coping rather well with my loss of hearing… the reality of it creeps in on me again and I could get pretty depressed about it if I let those feelings settle.  
 Yesterday I got a lot accomplished around here.  I was particularly happy with the paleo soup and banana bread I had just finished making for last night’s supper.  One pan was pretty sticky and I decided to leave the hot water running over it for a -few minutes- to help me get the pan clean. 
Hearing impaired people lose the ability to hear most running water unless you happen to be standing next to Niagara falls. 
So .. back to the running water.  I ran upstairs to do some laundry… came back downstairs to fold done laundry.. checked e-mail, wrote a blog post… then remembered I needed to turn that hot water off and clean the pan.  As I walked back into the kitchen I stepped in a puddle.  The puddle covered half the kitchen floor.   A measuring cup I had used to cook… covered the drain hole and the sink flooded.. and then spilled over… and over… and over.   Even the basement needed mopping.  Many many soaked towels, carpets and curses later.. the mess is cleaned up.  HOWEVER… our hardwood floors are buckling.
If I had been a person with normal hearing, I would have heard the water hit the floor the second it did so. 
To my husband’s credit and much to my surprise, when he arrived home last night he did not blow a fit, visualize Ralph Kramden right here.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a mess of towels to sort out, some wet carpet to move around, and an appointment at the Jeep Dealership to see if they can get the dead mouse out of the engine, because the stench is hideous.
It’s a wonderful life, though, isn’t it?   It’s a new day, all.   Never ever leave a running sink unattended, OK?