It’s going to be a beautiful day here in New England, and I hate to spoil even two seconds of it mulling over the current state of these Uniteds. Seriously… can you believe all the nonsense currently spinning around in the tornado that is Tr*mpworld?
Regarding the most recent pressuring of another country to investigate his political rival…P*nce had this to say in defense of his President…
P*NCE: “ One of the main reasons we were elected in Washington, DC, was to drain the swamp. And I think the American people have a right to know if the vice president of the United States or his family profited from his position as vice president during the last administration,” he said. “That’s about looking backwards and understanding what really happened.”
That’s absolutely hilarious!! Does he think the American People are so dumb we don’t see the many ways the President of the United States and his family are profiting from his position as the POTUS? That’s about looking at what’s right under our nose and understanding what’s really happening, right now.
Let alone there has been ZERO evidence of any wrong doing by Biden or his son, already investigated.
More Fake News from the Tr*mp Train. Holy shit, talk about the dumbing down of America. I would never in a million years have believed such a corrupt lying egostical maniac could garner such support. Now that he has shown us what he truly is made of, how does ANYONE overlook all the obvious ills. And yet. It’s as if some of our population has decided to stick their fingers in their ears chanting la la la la la la la la la…… instead of looking at the facts. Ignore the Treason, People!… we just have to figure out who the leaker is.
Never again do I want to hear “We need a businessman to run the country instead of politicians”. How’s that working out? Let alone the fact that a lot of his business was shady to begin with! Does being Rich impress them? A pig in a ball gown and tiara is still a pig. And if I hear one more chirp about how well the economy is doing… Ha! The economy has been on the upswing for more than 8 years now, whether we want to look at what’s actually true or not. Ask farmers how they’re making out. And how about that bailout? Much more costly than Obama’s auto industry bailout, and yet Obama was criticized for -socialism-. To be clear, I’m all for helping the farmers out, I believe in some forms assistance, especially when Tr*mp fucked them over in the first place. I’m heartened to see some of them are finally seeing the forest for the trees. The real irony is…. some of Trumps supporters, friends of mine I can attest to… are the very people his policies will never help. They cheer on his hate for immigrants and cling to their love of guns (we all believe we need immigration reform, and no one has been trying to take away your guns) and it appeals to them how he gives everyone permission to be an asshole, because hey, the POTUS is standing up on that podium doing that very thing, telling YOU to do that very thing, and he’s getting away with it. …..All that hate mongering is just false narrative, an excuse to rail against the machine. … and one more thing… Let’s talk about bible thumpers. He could not recite one verse, he’s cheating on every wife he’s had, he’s a self admitting pussy grabber!…. though I’ve heard it said we’ve put God back in the White House.
Man, that’s some strong Orange Koolaid.
What does this guy have to do ? Where’s the line? ……………….
You know what? I feel better now, I’m glad I spit it out. And I’m not worried about who I may have offended with this post, because I’m offended every damned day by that lying, bullying, corrupt, hate mongering piece of shit you’ve elected. He’s like a slap in the face to anyone who believes in decency, integrity, truth, upholding laws and our constitution. May he get what he deserves.