Part of my day job….

…is picking stuff. 
And getting dirty doing it.
A girl could have it worse.
 While we’ve lived on small horse farms for all of our married years..
The Man didn’t get into big time vegetable gardening until a few years ago.
I have to say, I’m grateful.  It’s alot of work,
but the rewards we reap are well worth it.
It’s a great feeling to know where your food’s coming from,
and that it’s not loaded with chemical crap. 

If all you’ve got is a deck off a condominium or apartment,
I recommend you atleast put a few pots out there
and grow just a wee bit of your own produce..
Tomatoes, herbs  and even cukes do well this way!
There are few things more gratifying
then sitting down to a  homegrown salad,  cobbler or jam.

Frasier couldn’t care less.
He’s got more important things on his mind…
Like –  don’t nobody mess with my angrybird

….and  Mamma won’t let me get that bunny!

I feed that baby bunny every day.. carrots, blackberries.
He no longer runs away when I open the door to toss the berries out to him.
Is this a bad thing?
I do love this old house.

25 thoughts on “Part of my day job….”

  1. My first foray into gardening I grew cucs and tomatoes. My first harvest I broke open a cucumber without even washing it, the flavor was warm and intense. I was immediately sold on growing as much of my own produce as I could. My favorite though, going out in the garden in the early morning to pick raspberries for my breakfast before the squirrels get them.

    Love the first picture of you carrying the cucs and all the dirt on your top. That's what I look like most of the summer when working in the yard. Such a satisfying feeling.


  2. What great looking fruits and vegs! Love the pics and I think it's great you feed the bunnies . Have a great day !

  3. I feed a couple of bunnies, too. They don't even hop away anymore and I, too, don't know if that is a good thing?! I am only growing pumpkins and gourds this year….xo Diana

  4. How great is it to walk outside and pick great organic food, that YOU grew. Tastes so much better.

    And the bunny, thats a good thing.

  5. There are times we miss having a garden, but when we bought the cottage and the RV…something just had to give. We don't have the time to take care of a garden. We do support our local Amish Farmer's Market every Tuesday though…and they have the BEST produce …. LOVE it! So, so much better than what we get at the store!! Love the picture of Frazier with his Angry Bird!!

  6. We had a nice garden when we lived in Goodyear, AZ. Even brought in fresh dirt and we had tons of tomatoes, cukes, jalapenos, etc. We really need to do that again and next year is hopefully THE year. Sure love the looks of all your good food.

  7. There is nothing like fresh homegrown food. We can even grow some things in big whiskey barrels at the beach on our rooftop garden. We have beautiful tomatoes and some prolific herbs. The herbs grow all year round. You my dear, must have a lot of canning to do!

  8. Wow, look at all those gorgeous veggies from YOUR garden, fantastic! And yes, I'd say all those farm chores is looking good on you!!! Nice dirty yoga top girl…

  9. This is so awesome, Karen. You look great, the garden is fabulous, the bunny is happy, and Frasier is just jokin' with ya. He knows you ain't gonna get his toy. 🙂

  10. wow…what a farmer's market you have in your own yard !!

    and no, feeding bunnies is never a bad thing….we do it, too 🙂

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