A post of a different color

Today I am …
mucking stalls
doing laundry
watering wilting plants
vacuuming and dusting a very dusty house
hoping the AC won’t give out
tending to hot, buggy horses and bored dogs
and listening to the whining of teenagers
who really want to do something more than
hang around the house, but it’s too darn hot to do anything else.
and today I am…
pretending I’m ignorant of all the horror
I see but don’t want to see.
Thinking of all the parents who sent their kids to a nature camp
on a charming island in Norway
and will bring them home in caskets.
And that incident is just a speck of dust in this world we have created.
There are many many more festering specks.
Wondering why, if there is a God,
he created people consumed in such hatred,
such righteous arrogance that they feel any justification
in the senseless butchering of other innocent human beings.
Why is there so much suffering in so many ways.
So that’s why I believe.. we’ve brought this all on ourselves,
however we actually got here.
This is how I feel when I hear someone say
~God has a plan for all of us~
Really? I can’t imagine this was His plan. 
  I think…
We are to blame, not  a  “creator”.
We will be the end of us… in the End.
..more floating specks…
Casey A. walks free, and clearly SOMEONE is protecting her.
Who’s doing the same for the girl who testifies against
drug and sex slave trafficers and then disappears forever.
Authorities say “she fell through the cracks”. 
Politicians get uglier by the day. Republicans and Democrats,
right wing, left wing, south, west and northeast wing alike.
In my own little town there are some ugly politics developing,
and I cannot believe it has touched us here, with so much venom.
We all know each other.

Celebrity divorces make more news headlines than starving humans in the streets.
Our streets. 
The media feeds us and we feed them. Vicious cycle.  
From the very beginning of time, where did it all go wrong?
Territory disputes among cave men? 
Is that where it started?
When did people become so .. what is the word I’m searching for….
Mean, arrogant, heartless, greedy, self-absorbed, pious, narrow minded… 
They all fit.  And then some.
Was it present in us then?
Perhaps we just have more sophisticated tools to inflict now.  
WHY.. can’t we all get along.
Doesn’t seem like it should be this hard.
Think of all the suffering that could be avoided. 
Imagine the wonderful things that could be accomplished TOGETHER
Today I am…
not going to put up a sunshiney
or even heat-whiney post.
Mark had some interesting things to say today.
Amen, Mark.  Amen. 
PS. This post is not meant to offend. 
I believe you have the right
to believe something different.
I’m just disgusted and this is my voice. 

32 thoughts on “A post of a different color”

  1. i hear your voice. we are all connected. we all share some bit of spark of spirit, and we do feed this monster of violence and greed with our hunger for sensationalism. we humans do some truly horrible things – to nature and man alike…

  2. I'll never understand it either!! How, why??!!

    I'd like to believe there is Good and Evil in this world. It sure looks like Evil is winning.

  3. The horrors of this world are so real…and I, personally, believe that God gave man his own will to do with what we(man) would…and, as old as times have been recorded, we have used that will and have created such atrocities and wreaked such havoc on the lives of our fellow man..Astounding what we do with the power that has been given us.

    Even the animals of the wild are not intentionally cruel to each other-they are guided to kill by instinct and to govern by that same rule. Here we are-in all our wisdom- acting out in a way that I don't think God EVER intended.

    This was a great post-I, too, am always amazed that the guilty are so protected and the innocent suffer.

    I am just watching the replays of what happened in Norway and am just sickened by the carnage. It is awful…truly awful…and there is nothing I can do except to pray for all those involved~ Diana

  4. This is a searing post and I echo all of your feelings and opinions. I could barely read the news this morning. It's difficult to go about our daily lives knowing that there is suffering all over the globe. My heart aches for the innocent and helpless.


  5. And yet through it all we must keep striving…to be good..do good. I did not watch the news last night and I have not clicked on to the story on msn….I just can't …I just want to take one of my little trailers and go off ..I believe we can still change the world…I have made my world smaller.

  6. I'm sorry you're feeling so down. I know that overwhelming feeling where everything in our world seems so out of control, violent and unfair. The events you sited are a perfect example and they're what has given me great regret and depressive thoughts in the past couple weeks as well. That's when I stop watching the news and 'tune in' to the sweeter side of life. God does have a plan. His plan is that we listen to his word and live our lives as He says. God doesn't make these things happen and He doesn't prevent them. We are responsible for that . There will always be evil. There has always been evil and it is alive and well. It's called free will and unfortunately used frequently for the wrong purposes. It's what we do with ours that counts. Be a force for goodness, at the very least it will make you and those around you feel like life is worth living. I wish I could give you a big hug. Feel better Karen. There is good out there too, the media just makes it harder to find.

  7. Well said Karen. The tragedy in Norway is horrific. I cannot imagine what those kids went through.

    I also agree about the politics. Too much venom, too much hate.

    In the words of Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?"

    Take care,

  8. Well, I'll tell you, back when I was doing stories about kidnapped and murdered children, I wondered about this God everyone speaks of. And after you've seen some ugly autopsy photos, it is hard to believe in such a being. Hard to believe in that being part of any design. Therefore I am not religious, which I am sure will bring me hate mail. There is no such thing as fair, or even justice. It is a terrible and sad state of affairs. And I applaud you for having the nerve and verve to say so.

  9. None of it makes any sense. I'm as much disgusted as you and hold many of the same thoughts. That's all I'm going to say because I would rant for days if I even began to type my disgust with this world.

  10. I truly believe that God is a merciful,generous and loving God. One of the most precious gifts he gave us all is the gift of free will. Free will to make choices that benefit us as decent human beings as well as our fellow citizens near and far. If only everyone used this wonderful gift for the good of humankind instead of using it to destroy a life, a family, a community,a country and a world. God bless the victims and families of this unspeakable tragedy.

  11. Karen, I like the way you think, and most certainly appreciate you stepping up and verbalizing it. I follow your blog with Google Reader and should have commented sooner on this subject that you bring up every now and then. Oh, and that I really like your blog, period.

    The mess we, and I do mean each one of us individually whether it be directly or indirectly, have either supported or quietly allowed the nightmare playing out on this planet.

    Anyone waiting for an airy-fairy 'being' to clean up our mess, or even worse just waiting to die and go someplace better, has totally lost touch with reality. This is it people. Planet Earth is our home right now, and this moment in time is what counts. It is our immediate responsibility on a daily basis.

    There is a god on this planet, and it is called m-o-n-e-y. The fact that any human or animal on this planet goes without food, clean water, shelter, medical care, and a proper education should disgust us all to the point of immediate action. And, I mean cleaning things up from the top down. Money and the power associated with it have got to take a back seat to the well being of this planet and all its inhabitants. Enough is enough.

    Oops, got a little carried away there, but we have got to do something people. Thank you, Karen, for voicing what should be just plain common sense.


  12. I am totally with you on this, Karen. You said it beautifully. This is not God's plan. These are choices made by our fellow humans. There is such negativity, such hatred and animosity, as well as arrogance in this ME world. Next time you're watching television, listen to how many pronouns are stressed by the actors. Me, Mine, MY – it makes me sick.

    Since when did the Kardashians become more important than helping our fellow man? And don't get me started on politics. I am very, very disheartened.


  13. First of all,please get out of the heat and into some air conditioning now.
    Seriously though, perfectly worded post. Were we raised by the same parents or something?
    Everything you said hits home, especially the God and his plan thing. I've wondered about that since I was little.
    Loved what you said, now get out of the stalls and into the AC.
    And thanks for the "shout out"

  14. Good questions you have raised, Karen. I don't think any of us really have definitive answer. My speculation is that we live in a fallen world and it's not going to get better. Tragedy is not new, we just hear about it more now because of communications. When my great grandmother was young, most women lost some of their children to illness–life was hard–still is, just a different way.
    I don't know about guns. When I hear a sound at night and the dog is growling, I'm glad my husband knows how to use one! If there is ever a national catastrophe, I want to be able to protect my property and family. Just like Prohibition did NOT work,cause we all know about moonshine– neither would seizure of firearms. Then only the bad guys would have them–and not for a moment do I doubt that they would. Timothy McVeigh didn't have a gun, but he did horrendous evil towards his fellow man. So, I just don't think that's the answer. It's not really comprehendible to me that someone could kill innocent people or beat dogs to death, or torture, etc. I have no sweet sacharrin answer to explain evil away; just try to remember the good I see–the selflessness that some seem to have in helping others with no gain to be received in it for themselves. I suppose that is a reason to have faith. Good vs Evil – really the age old question.
    Good thought provoking post and my thoughts are with the innocent victims in Norway.

  15. I agree with everything you said, and you said it well.
    Have The Age of Reason???
    Thomas Paine….
    He explains why it is so foolish to think that God plans any of this.

  16. Opps just noticed my other comment earlier never went thru. I was just reading your post to my hubby.

    I agree with everything you said.


  17. Oh Karen, I so totally agree with everything you said. And you said it so well.

    It is definitely only man's own fault, these things happen. Man's own greed, man's own discrimination, man's own jealousy and envy.

    So sad that any person (or persons) can think up these kinds of things to do to innocent ones, who are just trying to live their lives.

  18. Agree on every single word Karen.

    Seriously. Turn OFF the news for now. Sometimes I have to do that…it really does get very depressing. We do NOT need that. There is too many evil things going on.

    I hope you feel better.

  19. Your words ring so true… the world has become a place of warped views of who is famous and what is news.

    I find myself numb to the horrors of the world today. With the media blasting from every corner and the agendas of each media outlet spouting their views instead of being impartial.

    People are famous or known due to their lifestyles. Respect for our leaders are chipped away with every news release and every new accusation.

    I am like you … left, right, up or down… we need to wake up and be brought back to the fact we are a country of many and not of just a few.

    OK… I will quietly step off my soap box… but, it does feel good to know that I am not alone in my thoughts.

    Thanks for saying the words that many of us think. As for horrific incident in Norway… pray, pray hard that these people will be able to heal. If you don't pray … send them comforting thoughts.

    Religious or not … we can all feel for these people … in whatever form that may take.

  20. I like many others here so agree with what you have written. There are no reasons for the crimes we do to each other.

    I can only wonder what might happen if our judicial system worked the way it should. I read our local paper yesterday. It prints all the arrests and tickets and sentences in it. In every case time sentenced was reduced to 1 to 7 days served,and unsupervised probation. A slap on the wrist,ridiculous.
    Police spend days,weeks,and even months putting together a case and a judge and or lawyers can make it all disappear in a matter of minutes.

    What news I know about usually comes from the internet. We tivo the shows we like and watch 1 or 2 at night. I just cringe every time I do watch the news. Sad,so sad.

  21. You certainly did not offend…quite the opposite indeed! It seems that the nature of man is to be warlike and it is not going to change…

    I have to disagree with Mark re: brussels sprouts:)

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