John Travolta Doesn’t Live Here

  To all you locals who read my blog… just letting ya know…

John Travolta did NOT buy our house, and no landing strip for airplanes is going in the fields.  For those of you who don’t  live around here, the John Travolta rumor has been floating around our little town for 20 years or so. Although I  surely wish it were true, it just ain’t so.  It’s hilarious that town folk are now applying that rumor to the sale of our previous house. 

I do love the man, he is my favorite actor and I’ve loved every roll he has taken. 
 I was madly in love with Vinny Barbarino and then Danny in Grease.
I still know every word to every song,
and the Welcome back Cotter theme song brings back
fond memories of a beanpole adolescent with a wicked crush.
His roles ever since have been admirable and diverse.
I love that he is a genuine family man too.

Dear John, ( or John’s People!)
If you ever come across this post,  please dispel the myth
for this tiny New England town…
 leave a comment telling us that you really don’t live here.
Or maybe shine a ray of hope for us all  ðŸ™‚
You have many fans here, apparently!

P.S.  You can build a landing strip in our hay fields any time!

Love, Karen

 The new owner has decided to put up a security gate at the entrance to the driveway… which will fuel the John Travolta rumors even more, I’m sure.  

 Sorry if I’ve burst any bubbles here….   🙂

22 thoughts on “John Travolta Doesn’t Live Here”

  1. IF he did, it would be fun but the novelty would wear off quickly, trust me. We had many movie shoots around our previous home and it was fun to pick out extras walking by our house in the movie later, but the sound of water all night long to shoot a rain sequence for the Hulk was a pain in the patootie. : )

  2. I'll have my people get in touch with his people and set things straight. After all, he lives only a hop and skip from here. 🙂

  3. that's hilarious. we heard lots of rumors about our old house as well…apparently one was that a turkish family of 11 was looking at it (a single mother with one son bought it), another was that we were selling because 1) we were getting a divorce or 2) we were moving to the US.

    we've also heard rumors about ourselves in our new neighborhood – my favorite of which is that i'm canadian (i try to perpetuate that one in light of the circus that is american politics) and another is that we moved back to denmark after a decade in england(?)

    what is it about home sales that promote rumors?

    if it was john travolta, if i were you, i'd insist on being present at the closing. 😉

  4. I can see the letter now … cease and desist any more propaganda regarding my client …
    Travolta's one of my fave's as well. He can fly my plane anytime!

  5. That's hilarious! Did you start the rumor so that someone would finally buy your house before John and his family scooped it up?! 😉 hehe!

    We have a few famous residents amongst us here, but no one really cares lol! Maybe it's because we live so close to the DC metro area, so we are all a little jaded about powerful people?

    Wouldn't it be great if John came to visit though, just to stir things up a bit? Maybe you should get in touch with his people!

    Kat 🙂

  6. John bald? where's the dislike button on that picture?!?!

    Now for that gate . . . the blacksmith could fix you right up, if only we lived closer.

    Don't you love town people who can spread a rumor faster that hot butter?

  7. Rumors can be good, or bad. This one isn't bad, more like wishful thinking. Perhaps you should invite him and the family for a visit and fuel the fire.

  8. I am so not with it sometimes that I probably wouldn't recognize John – or any celebrity for that matter – if I ran right into him. Someone would have to tell me – Wasn't that (fill in the blank)? Anyway, if he does come to town let me know and I'll come visit.

  9. Laws…that man even looks good bald!!! I think he is one of the most genuine people coming out of Hollywood.

    We DO have kind a a celebrity living close to us- up the bay a bit. Tony Shaloub has a summer home here where he used to hang out as a kid…You know him better as Monk and my hubby went to school with him…and went to the prom with his sister;>) (His almost brush with fame)- xo Diana

  10. Hilarious!
    I know you have probably seen this but I have kept this issue forever!
    I just love the retro-ness of it!

    In a gated *air* community in Florida, the other residents were not happy that he was flying jumbo jets in and out because of the noise! I remember all the letters to the editor of the local paper who wanted him out. He won and is still there 🙂

    I think both he and Kelly would make for Fab neighbors!
    xo, misha

  11. Dear Karen, Please keep this on the down-low, but I wanted to thank you for selling me your house. I love it.
    John T

  12. LOL (Mark stole my comment ;-))

    A house in the street we live in was sold and everybody was sure it was sold to a brothel keeper and that we'd have the doubtful pleasure of lots of red lights in our street.

    Fortunately this rumour wasn't true either.

    I'd rather have John T. as a neighbour. We have an airfield very close to us, so he could park his plane there. So John, or Mark, should you read this, there are a couple of nice properties for sale in our street 😉

  13. When i lived in Florida i used to hear quite a bit about the actor. Hes always seemed like a pretty good guy to me. Richard from the Amish settlement of Lebanon county

  14. Can't say as I would want a runway next to my house…. just the little jet traffic we do get over our house seems to be around midnite just as I am tumbling off into dreamland.

    Funny how rumors get started. Now, if John Travolta wanted to live next door without a runway…. I could dig it.

  15. I was lucky enough to meet John Travolta when one of my best friends was Debra Winger's hairdresser on Urban Cowboy. I spent ten days on set at Gilley's in Texas and can tell you, he is as nice and personable in person as he appears.

    Congrats on the sale of your house and the raising of the new barn!

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