Rain & Randomness

  The rain feels glorious this morning. We’ve had a very dry, hot summer and the earth is thirsty.  Autumn has definitely arrived, but the colors in the sugar maples are muted… I’m thinking it has something to do with the lack of  rain. 

 I had lunch again at my favorite diner  (twice in one week, the shame of it)  and while there I asked if they’de be willing to give up their coconut chicken recipe.  The waitress came back minutes later and said just this..    ” The cook said real simple.  Dip the chicken cutlets in flour, then egg… then sweetened shredded coconut.  Pan fry in a small amount of butter or oil until golden brown. Use any sweet and sour dipping sauce for a side.”       They serve it with white rice, and I found another recipe that recommends marinating chicken cutlets in Coconut milk for a few hours beforehand.  I also recommend using thin sliced cutlets.  We gag on the fat ones around here.  Really

The guy on the right here is making me so proud these past few weeks… He’s doing a great job on his new Baseball team…he’s one of the rookies, for sure, and his game has improved tremendously.   I just received his progress report on his first month in High School… a strick Catholic HS, no less…. and he is doing a great job there too.  Big improvement from middle school and it’s been a huge effort on his part.  He even ties his own tie now. Amen, brothers.  And I mean that, with a hearty THANK YOU, LORD.   Yes I am aware of my views on religion in my previous post and the  occasional hypocracy I display here.   

  So, DUDE… great job, I’m so proud.  And.. next time we go to the diner I’ll let you suck down all the creamers just once without scolding, because sometimes I’m cool like that.

   I’ll go in to work today and begin packing up the remainder of the pottery.  The rain is fitting of the mood.  This gallery has brought so much to my life, all of it good, some of it difficult, a great learning experience  and a difficult door to unhinge.  That’s what it feels like I’m doing.

12 thoughts on “Rain & Randomness”

  1. Its funny, our leaves our saturated in color and it is more than likely ALL the rain we have gotten … the leaves are in full color and its a little earlier than usual this year. Cute pic of your son and you must be so proud of him. It has to take a lot of courage and strength of character to take a new path and make it work for you 🙂

  2. It's raining heavily here today. I just keep thinking that the well is filling up as it wasn't so long ago that we were worried about it running dry.


  3. First off, I love your header picture. I wish that truck would deliver to my house!! They'd have to come back weekly to take care of things.

    Thanks for the recipe. I have made coconut shrimp before but not chicken. It's made in the oven with 'Shake and Bake' so I think it might be a bit more healthy than on the stove.

    Love the picture of your son. Both my sons went to Catholic H.S. and did really well in sports. Maybe it is the lack of girls to distract! lol.

    I meant to get back to you on the hearing thing. I am really bad off…the hearing aids only help out a little and I 'hear ya' on the CC on T.V. What a Godsend, although some of these fast talking comedies are getting to me. I think I read one of your post where you mentioned you were H.I. It was when I first met you.


  4. What will you do with the items in your store that did not sell? Will you sell them online somewhere?

    Oh, and I pretty much practice the same kind of religion you do. Was raised as a Lutheran, but sheesh… are they ever judgmental type people. Just can't do the 'roof over your head' kind of religion.

    Loving the rain here too!

  5. I'm so happy it's raining too…a very unusually dry summer and autumn so far here in RI and instead of beautiful fall colors we are getting falling brown, dry leaves….I'm thankful that we finally dug a deep well two years ago…and I am not thankful that I am getting my rugs and upholstery cleaned on the one wet, humid day!

  6. Congrats on the scholastic achiever.
    But your statement about hypocrisy confused me. So I re-read the last post to make sure I hadn't missed anything. You and I have very similar beliefs. I am not religious. But my faith is not a crutch. Belief in a Creator God answers all the questions of origins that theoretical physics only estimates or guesses at. But it's the best thing to give children the background you had. I had the same background, and I want to praise you not start a ruckus.

  7. Congratulations to your son on all of his wonderful achievements of late!

    I could do with some yummy chicken, but maybe a little less rain, we had a deluge today!

    Kat 🙂

  8. The chicken recipe sounds delicious…and best of all…easy!! I've been wanting to ask you about the leaves in your direction…think there will be any left in the next couple of weeks?? I too was wondering whether you would be selling the rest of your gallery treasures. I'm so sad for you. I think anyone who thinks this recession is over is nuts. So glad that your son is doing well in his new school. It's tough for kids to change!!

  9. Great photo of the future MLB players.And I too, can tie my own tie thanks to 12 years of catholic school, and don't feel alone, very hypocritical here also.

  10. What? Are you closing down the gallery? I'm so sorry. That must hurt. I had to close my shop because it cost me more cash than it brought in, but I had a very hard time doing that. (Don't tell anyone; I've pretended I didn't mind.)
    On the plus-side, I do have more time to work in the garden and the house (that last one is not so much a plus) and to mess around with the little zoo we have here. So it's not all bad.

    Love your new background and header. How wonderful that your son is doing so well.


  11. The house looks lovely! We really must get together soon! I want to give you an actual hug and tell you that it will all be alright. The old saying," When God closes one door he opens a window" has proved itself to be true in my life. *hugs*

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