Raptors Live On

  We were given two wingback chairs from the late 1800’s by the previous owner of This Old House. They were in need of new fabric and I found a nice toile print.  The color is a faded coral with a brown  and beige pattern.  I loved them immediately when they came home to roost… and then my son said:

 “Why are the dogs chasing dinosaurs on the chairs?” 


“See? … aren’t those Raptors?”  …..

*Sigh. *
You know… I see it… I really do.

Ben made himself right at home in his new digs (my office)… and then he decided to DIG in my office.  So.. apparently at 14 months old he is not yet trustworthy when left alone to his own devices.  The Pen came back up from the basement and takes up most of my… office.
 (see hole in new pine floors in front of pen).  

The place is still a mess, and we’re still going back and forth cleaning up the old homestead.  I do love it here already though…and thanks for all your comments and encouragement . You make the ride that much more enjoyable.

11 thoughts on “Raptors Live On”

  1. We have scratches all over our pine floors from our doggies. Mostly because the pine is soft and wasn't sealed correctly by the previous owner. If I think about it too much, I get a little crazy! But, it is what it is. I call it the comfy cottage look.


  2. Your son is pretty smart. I definitely see the chase scene on the fabric.Looks great too.
    Ohhh, and the new floor…bummer, but thats the life of a dog owner.
    I know.

  3. OMG! I can't believe your brand new floor is a "little scratched"! I sure hope you can fix it…my husband would be FREAKING out!! And Ben would be in a house in the yard or at someone ELSE's house!! Glad you got the move going on …. it's beautiful Karen…it really is!

  4. Ben is cute though.

    Is he a boxer?

    It's coming together! Yay! I'm packed and ready to move in as soon as I get clearance from my therapist.

    Really, I'll be an asset to the household!

    Teasin' and can't wait for more photos.

  5. I love the chairs, even with the Raptors! Ha!

    Oh, and Ben didn't mean anything bad by chewing on the new floor. He was just trying to make it feel like ~Home~, everything is just 'too new'! He wanted to leave his siggie in a perm manner for all to see in the years to come!!

    Can you tell I have learned to rationalize "these sweet animal moments" over the years? Yeah, lots of rationalizing….

    Wonderful day to you, Karen! xo, misha

  6. I tried to comment yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. 🙁

    However, I'm SO happy for you guys. You're on the way to being a "full new/old house". I know you must be exhausted, though. Love the chairs.

    Yep, hottern h*ll here too. 🙂

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