Reaching out, taking in…

    So.. last weekend we had another adoption event –  64 dogs out of 69 found homes.  That’s no easy feat, considering each adopter is screened thoroughly before they can take their dog home – by their vet references, and personal references, and approval from Landlord if there is one.  Connecticut has some very generous folks, I’m proud to say. You know the reputation New Englanders have –  cold, snobby, aloof?  I don’t see it, I see generous people.  

   My favorite dog at last weekends adoption event was Ollie, an American bull dog mix. He would have come home with me if not for my 180 lb. horse, Ben. He has hit the jackpot with a wonderful home and sibling. It’s a beautiful thing. One of my favorite fb sightings are the after pics of shelter dogs in their new homes, finally the life they deserve. I’m so grateful to know the people who are cogs in the wheel that together make these things happen . Life lessons- think beyond just your own needs- Surround yourself with positive people, reach out to help whatever cause that holds meaning for you, it doesn’t have to be monetary, it can be actions, deeds- and your life becomes that much more rewarding.

      This morning was another stunner… the mist coming in off Long Island Sound traveled a few miles upland and landed in our fields… the scent of sea air was intoxicating…  another life lesson – (can you stand me this morning?… )

    Enjoy the little things.. notice them, take them in, don’t let them pass by you unappreciated.   I had a conversation recently with a photographer friend. We were talking about picture quality and how so many people don’t really see the beauty that is all around them, and you can tell by the way they take a picture.  It’s not even about the subject.. because there can be beauty in a simple, simple shot.. like this one below.. it’s just a hay field and misty blue sky, nothing dramatic, no clear subject.  Look closely at all the nuances, there are many layers if you truly –see-.

  Have a good day, All –  and as always, thanks for stopping by.