The Reason

   I was asked recently why I like to blog.
 “What’s the appeal? You’re having mini conversations
 with people you don’t even know and might never meet!”
       The appeal?  It’s the human connection…the commiserating, shared creativity,
virtual visits to parts of the world and occupations and customs
I may never experience in person. 
 A room with a different view.  
We laugh together, cry together and  sometimes for each other.
We share ideas and recipes and remedies. 
Blogland is a village of sorts, complete with idiots,
but I try to avoid those.

 I received cookies in the mail today from Hilary of
Crazy As A Loom ….
…not helping me with the “Lead me not into temptation” thing…
but these sure hit the spot with a nice cup of tea
on a bone-cold winter day.
Thank you, Hilary.

Looking around This Old House, I see I may have gone hog-wild with the decorating and I’m wondering, too late,  who’s gonna help me put it all away. My family finds 2,000 things of more importance to do when it comes time to take it all down.
I found this sign at one of the casino shops last week –

 And this one is perfect for This Old House, much to the husband’s chagrin.
I am a sucker for vintage snowmen, and these two are my favorite. 
They are keeping Henry company on the kitchen island.
I picked up this throw on sale at TJMaxx,
now lets see how much it sheds on the couch.
Can’t be worse than the dog.

Thank you to all of you who comment and commiserate here at
This Old House.
You’re all part of the journey and I’m grateful for your presence.

20 thoughts on “The Reason”

  1. Love that throw you purchased… and the polar bears!! Wow… they are perfect for this time of the year with the cold wave we are having.

    Use that throw and stay warm today.

    Sincerely, the village idiot.

  2. Oh, and I wish I could find a horse sign like that for my sister although she may just take it the wrong way, but she is a total horsie girl.


  3. Aaaah, your house looks beautiful as I knew it would!

    You may or may not believe this, but I was going to post on 'why I blog' myself today. My brain has invaded yours. You better toss it out.

  4. I'm finding blogging a record keeping tool of sorts too. Something for my kids/grandkids to read. I have connected with many lovely people…and like you say…a couple of idiots! lol

    Your decorations look beautiful..I love Vintage snowmen too. Hugs-Diana

  5. Ya gotta alove TJ Maxx, I was just there yesterday in fact. I bought the daugahter some beautiful holdiay satin placemants.
    You did good on the throw, it's beautiful. Maybe you could wear it as a shawl.
    As for blogging . . . I've made so many new friends, friends to share recipes with, troubles, good news, bad news. Some I've met in person, I've recieved gifts from some, sent gifts to some. And last . . IT'S ADDICTING!
    Happy Blogging

  6. I have wanted a red couch for a long time and seeing yours is sending me over the edge- white throw and all! Love seeing what inspires someone and you find such great treasures.

  7. You listed the very reasons I enjoy blogging; even though I don't as much as before, I always look forward to seeing what everyone is up to, and how they're doing. I love your photo's too! 🙂

  8. That horse sign is hilarious! Love it. I so agree with you about blogging. It has really enriched my life – and most definitely expanded my horizons.


  9. I love the sign, "whats a little dog hair…" It would be perfect at my house.
    My daughter and I had the discussion about blogging, she likens it to a time long long ago when the village people would gather once in a while just for the act of gathering, being together and catching up. The villages today dont do that, but the blog world has made it possible for that to happen again.
    It's like something we don't consciously recognize, but we're gathering, like they used to, just doing it differently.
    I think she's on to something.

  10. I, too, like my blog village, staying in touch with people, sharing creativity, ups and downs and I am still laughing over your horse sign…Oh yeah, I'm a big fan of your village idiot 🙂 Hi Di!!!
    xo Cait

  11. I agree with you on all counts about blogging. My husband asked me the other day why I like blogging and I answered very simply…"I like to read and I like to write." I think it is just what I am about {along with what you have said}.

    I really enjoyed seeing pictures of your home again. I love the vintage snowmen, I have a thing for them, too. And the throw is gorgeous!

    Happy Thursday. Staying warm?


  12. I met you through blogging! Never would have otherwise 🙂
    I have made so many friends through the world of blogs. I am very isolated in where we live and just caring for our "herd" each day. Not any more.
    I have all of you 🙂
    That is the power of blogging!
    xo, misha

  13. Cute little signs…especially the dog hair one! Ahhh, yes, the dog hair… you need one for the dog drool! I'm sure Ben must leave quite a trail from his water bowl (and the toilet!) as does my big Lab "Miles"!!!
    Did you start your Christmas cookies yet?

  14. Hmmmm…is it great minds think alike….or fools seldom differ?
    I have been thinking a lot about blogging lately, and why I do it. Circumstances in my life have me wondering about re-prioritizing…if I should, etc, etc.
    Love your red couch!

  15. Ya can't explain blogging to folks who don't understand … we must accept this. Sitting here throughout the week, sometimes playing photo-journalist, writing articles and essays to send into cyberspace … sharing our thoughts, accomplishments, trials, and troubles.

    I truly enjoy living in this village that is blogging, and I treasure everyone with whom I have connected. Karen, dear, if we lived closer to one another we would get into SOOO much trouble together … we seem to see eye to eye on most everything. Wouldn't have known of you without blogging.

  16. Yep, love the horse sign! I love my blog friends. I don't get out and socialize in the real world much. I'm perfectly happy with my blog buddies just like you!

  17. LOVE all of your new little purchases!! Blogging sure does bring like minded people together! It has actually become a way of life for me and I would miss it if I couldn't do it anymore!! My husband still doesn't get it. He thinks it is a waste of time. I view it as really broadening my horizons!!! It is simply amazing the people one meets…yes??

  18. Yup, I've said before and I'll say it again-I do believe that blogging helps us understand each other. For this lady stuck on the farm, this is how I travel the world!

    Always good to avoid the crazies..whether it's in blogland or this real land.

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