
  Thanksgiving was lovely here at This Old House.  The food was traditional, I didn’t dry out the Turkey and the pies… oooh, the pies were divine. Thank you Kate for the best apple pie recipe I’ve ever tried… and if you would like an awesome chocolate cream pie recipe… click HERE. It was THE BOMB.

  The best part of the day is gathering ’round the table with family – this year just seven of us, but the gift of togetherness is not diminished by the number of plates on the table.  As I “mature”… like fine wine, *ahem…. I appreciate more and more the truly important things in life. It’s dawned on me that this appreciation is one of the gifts of age.  I plan to remind myself of this often.

 A snapshot of one of those moments – my 16 year old still  interested in playing a board game with his grandmothers.

Not long after this picture was taken:
A big move is about to be made where he will send my mother’s last  peg  back to
the beginning.  He has a choice.. he can move another of his men and not send her back.
Or he can throw her under the bus and advance.
he ponders… with a smirk.
Me:  ….but… it’s your GRANDMOTHER.
My Mother:  Oooh…  just do what you have to do.
Him:  (a smirk.. a glance at my mother.. a glance at me….
about to make the move that will seal her doom…)
Me:… but it’s your G R A N D M O T H E R!!!……
you’de throw her under the bus??
Him:  (heavy sigh..eye roll.. but still hovering over “the move”)
Me:  …your…. grandmother.
Him:  (makes the other move, that gives her a pass to continue.)
My mother : (rolls the dice.. makes a stunning move that gets her in the winners circle
immediately…and….well, you know.)
Him:  OMG, Mom!!!  You made me lose!!!!
Me:  You shoulda done what you had to do!
Yeah, i know, that was terrible.

16 thoughts on “Reflection”

  1. Hilarious! When my sis & I were little girl's…Mom and Dad would never be so kind to let us win at a board game or give us an easy time cause we were little. we'd be beat at Checkers one thousand times-but loved playing with them.

    And…what a sweet photo of your son with his Grandma's.

    Yes–relationships are really all that matters, no?

  2. Such a funny story! And so true – we used to do that kind of thing all the time when we were playing games as a family.


  3. Sounds like a fun game! I can't wait to check out your recipes! I'm happy to hear you had a wonderful day and a great dinner!

    We went to my sister & BIL in Bedford, NH – we had a blast. There were 20 for dinner and 2 more for dessert – have I mentioned that I have 3 brothers & 3 sisters!

    What I'm most thankful for is that now that our parents are gone, we still all feel the need for each other and to get together!

    Have a great weekend!


  4. Is that Sorry they're playing?? Sweet photo and yum the pie recipes sound great! Chocolate cream was the only one we didn't have for Thanksgiving this year!

  5. LOL- If it had been YOU instead of Grandmother you would have been back at the beginning- no doubt in my mind at all!

    It looks like you had a wonderful Holiday- xo Diana

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