Reflection and Moving Forward

     The only way to accept the shocking results of this election and move on is to acknowledge the anger over big issues not being addressed, voices not being heard. That’s something I have never disputed and it’s why no party claims me. In my opinion the entire system is to blame and the entire system just got a big F*uck U from more than half the population. 

     What offends me even more than the divisive and hateful vitriol that got Trump elected is the mean juvenile hateful crap spewed all over the media and internet, and some of it came from the people I called friends. It’s one thing to dislike a public figure for their policies, their mistakes, even the lies- I have no problem reading an informed accurate piece about my choice of candidate – always open to enlightenment. The mean behavior , the schoolyard bully jokes, ….. that stuff shows me a side I can’t reconcile. Until this election I thought we as a country had evolved as a people. I thought our fiber contained more threads of decency. We’ve got a long way to go and today I am sad for all of us.