Season Finale

 Our last horse show of the season came and went this weekend. Team KMax did very well and has won two awards in their division for the year.  Decisions for next year need to be made. Max will be 19 next Spring and our plan is to retire him to the farm, where he can relax and live the life of a “home” horse instead of the more rigorous role of a “show” horse. That’s all he’s known and he’s good at it, but I always feel they deserve a comfortable retirement after serving so many for so many years.  He’s had atleast five show owners and some of his life as been on the road.

  The question K debates is… should they do another year before Max retires, moving up to the next division?  The next level of competition takes more skill and while Max is awesome, he’s not as awesome (fancy, athletic) as many of those who will be riding in their classes. He’s very fit for his age and it’s important to keep them going to a certain extent, just like us.   So, would it be satisfying to ride just for their own personal goals but not place well, or would it be more frustrating after all?   We always say we’re all about the relationship between horse and rider, but honesty dictates that not placing well can be discouraging regardless. 

 We have time to figure it out.  Right now I am thankful for another successful, safe year for these two.

Team KMax getting their hair done….

Warm up in the ring before Classes start…

K with boyfriend D after a great ride in Western Pleasure
and a first place win.

It’s all good –