Seems like yesterday

 Maah preshus baybeee started his sophmore year in HS today. 
 Holy crap. How can that be.
What does Steve Perry have to do with it? 
Well, here’s how it went. 
The rising son came home with a list of stuff he needed from Staples,
 like.. TODAY.
So I hopped in my faithful mom mobile and off I went for said supplies.
In the car, alone, I like to find a good song and sing my heart out.
If I did this with people nearby they’d run for cover.
A few channel hops and Steve Perry and Oh, Sherry came blasting out, 
 immediately transporting me back in time.
Funny how a song can do that…. 
make you feel for a few moments almost exactly as you did
way back then… 
Your first car, (pinto) a boyfriend who might or might not be the one  (wasn’t)
the windows rolled down and your long hair flowing..
the whole world your oyster,  possibilities endless.
….TIME seemed endless. 
I caught a piece of that today, on my way to Staples,  I did.
Thanks, Steve Perry, once again.

I don’t know if I ever really got over that crush.

25 thoughts on “Seems like yesterday”

  1. Music always brings back memories and makes me time travel…but I am more likely to time travel to "Sherry Baby" than "Oh, Sherry":)

  2. Yep! I remember him~ I do that too and it is amazing how a song or a certain scent even can just transport you back, isn't it? Hope you remembered what you were supposed to get at Staples! xo Diana

  3. Oh girl…you and me both! I just love Steve Perry and so wish he was still with Journey. His songs do take you back in time!!!

  4. Oh…I loved Journey and that voice!!!!! I saw a show about a year ago about old groups and where they are now. Steve Perry is more attractive now than he was then, really really cute!

    Thanks for the memories!


  5. OMG music does it for me, too. VW convertible, cruising for cute boys, feeling invincible, feeling that anything was possible! What a good feeling! Thanks for the memories!

  6. i think we're alike…in our cars alone, music up, singing at the top of lungs….well sometimes…while letting everything else go…at least for a few minutes 🙂

    and your baby growing up….too fast….i know those feelings. mine will be 20 this month…..WHAAAAT ?


  7. Sometimes music is the best form of transportation. It's wonderful what our minds can output with just a little accompaniment. :o)

  8. I'm assuming we're about the same age, because I could definitely picture myself in the same situation, including the Pinto! ha!

    My youngest leaves for college in 3 days. I'll be hoping for a song to pop into my head so I'm not a crying wreck. 🙂

    Have a great day.

  9. I do that every single time I jump in the car!! Who knows where the time goes…enjoy every single moment!!! I still cannot believe my daughter has her very own home…and her own business! Thanks for the memories!!

  10. 1. I sing Oh Sherry ALL THE TIME in the car. Usually to cheer me up if I'm cranky. Cuz you can't be cranky singing anything by him. And yes peeps need not witness.

    2. YES! The music totally freezes the memory doesn't it? Peter Frampton brings me to my first husband's apartment. Such good memories.

    3. My first car was a PINTO. Amazing car yes? lol Mine was harvest gold with a SUN ROOF. I thought I was the COOLEST evah.

    I'm up early with a bad headache and you've just helped it go away! Thank you so much.

  11. My best Steve Perry? Don't Stop Believing!

    You should hear my rendition of David Cassidy's I Think I Love You! Earth – I mean – glass shattering!!!

  12. Oh that hair, that song, those memories! I'd sing too, and torture all those around me, happily 🙂

    10th grade? I can't imagine… I'm queasy just thinking about middle school next year!

  13. Our youngest has recently discovered Journey music. You know, it's retro now. If we parents were just cool enough to be retro. That would be something!

  14. Love this song – love Steve Perry – what a great voice! In Journey and solo – he is blessed with some great pipes. There's another song of his that I love – Foolish Heart. Gorgeous.


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