Senior Moment

  … or Something.

   I’ve got this delicious jar of blueberry jam that a local resident by the name of Linda made and brought to our fundraiser this past weekend.  It’s almost gone already, because I cannot contain myself when I know it is sitting on the shelf in the refrigerator.  I’ve had two and three helpings a day on toast, it’s that good.

 I had my toast with jam at lunch time just because it was there and I had to have it…. and when I looked for the lid to the jam jar, it just vanished.  I looked high and low, under the cabinets, in the drawer beneath it.. in the refrigerator, in the sink… in the dog’s mouth…. I could not  fathom where the h*ll that lid went, because I hadn’t walked away from it and I didn’t see it fall and


How ridiculous, it HAD to be somewhere. I looked in a 20 foot radius incase it had rolled.  Nope.  Finally I gave up and went about my business. I did laundry, washed the dishes in the sink, answered e-mail and made a few phone calls for the upcoming dog event.  Then I went outside to pick some lettuce for the chickens.  What did I spy way out in the GARDEN?

 In my defense, the bracelet has a magnetic clasp and it’s HEAVY, people.
 It coulda happened to anyone, right? 

33 thoughts on “Senior Moment”

  1. First of all I could live on toast and home made jam so I know that feeling. I also know the other feeling..the senior moments. I sometimes just crack myself up but sometimes I seriously worry about my mental self.

  2. Ha-ha–that is too funny! I hardly think you are having senior moments yet, but peri-menopausal??? lol Hey, I'm waaaay past that even!
    By the way, I luvvv that bracelet–looks like a Juicy Couture I saw recently!

  3. How hysterical.. looks like something I would do.. look high, look low, look all around. Nope. no lid! HA! Great bracelet by the way!!!

  4. Lol! Reminds me of stories about magnetic cat doors (cat wears a magnetic collar, which allows the cat door to unlock). Anyway, cats were reportedly coming home from a night of gallivanting with forks stuck to their collars.

  5. Hahahahahahahaha! I don't think that has anything to do with a senior moment, it's just your magnetic personality!

  6. Now that's a new fashion statement!!


    PS try taking pepper ridge farm Sour Dough Bread (I see you like that brand, it's my favorite) butter both sides, and grill it (I use my cast iron griddle), THEN smear your jam. OMG it's to die for. Remember only REAL butter works.

  7. You can NOT be serious!!!!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhaaaaaaaaaabahahahahahahahahaha

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