Seven Sisters

 Atop the most southerly hill in a chain known as the Seven Sisters, William Hooker Gillette, noted actor, director, and playwright, built this one hundred and eighty-four acre estate, the Seventh Sister. The focal point of his effort was a twenty four room mansion reminiscent of a medieval castle.
 Purchased by the State of Connecticut in 1943 from the executors of Mr. Gillette’s will, Gillette Castle and the adjoining property with its fine woodlands, trails, and vistas are now administered for the enjoyment of present and future generations.

  This apparently would have pleased Gillette, since his will gave specific directions to see that the Connecticut River property did not fall into the hands  “of some blithering saphead who has no conception of where he is or with what surrounded.”

Excerpt from

19 thoughts on “Seven Sisters”

  1. You know – I need to get over there! I have lived here for 47 years and I have been there ONCE! When I was 7! The pix are awesome and I especially love the berries by the icicles! Jealous I didn't take it!!

  2. Gorgeous estate.

    You have a ton of snow there. Is it still coming down or has it finally moved on north of you?


  3. Wow!!! That is straight out of Europe! Just gorgeous as is your photography! Beautiful!

    I just got Elements 9 and am so excited! I actually bought the Elements 9 for Dummies book because it is so confusing, but I will persevere!! Have a great weekend! It's going to be 47 here tomorrow… we are freezing!!! Ha!

  4. Stunning Karen! Simply awesome…especially the one with the icicles and the berries!! We have a similar one here in my town…great place to go and take some pics!!

  5. I know about this estate, but have never been there. I must make that a priority. Wasn't Gillette famous for his role as Sherlock Holmes?

    What a simply wondrous place1


  6. I meant to get back to Gillette Castle during the holidays for their holiday special weekends…but life got in the way as they say…Beautiful photos!

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