Sh*t happens

  I know for sure we are not the neighborhood favorites today at This Old House.  I’ve discussed a few times the hideous pile of chicken manure out in the back field…that rich black mountain of pure organic gold fertilizer that stinks to high heaven?…. THAT pile.  Well it’s gone, baby, gone….the last of it  has been spread all over the fields and tonight we’re supposed to get a rain storm.  I’m doing a rain dance for good measure. 

  Yesterday as my son and I were driving home late in the afternoon… about a mile away from our little spit of land we saw a woman walking her dog with a scarf up over her mouth and nose.  Odd, because it was warm out.  Then we rolled down the windows and OMG the stench was gut retching.  And I do mean RETCHING.  It was coming from our acreage, yes it was.   This morning the man went to breakfast up the road with his friends.  When he came out of the little restaurant… he could smell OUR CHICKEN SH*T all the way over there!!!

  No, my friends, we are NOT going to be nominated for a good neighbor award any time soon. 

  Some of you may remember the subdivision neighbors who didn’t like looking at our farm equipment and vehicles parked two fields away from them on our property?   Yes well…. their two dogs came on over into our field to have a look at what we were spreading… and they took a good roll in the process.

 I already called the Town to give them a heads up in case they get another complaint.  

31 thoughts on “Sh*t happens”

  1. If they say anything about it, just remind them that it's just the smell of money… That's what we say around here 🙂

  2. It may stink, but at least it isn't a dangerous stink, laced with chemicals and such. I'll take your kind of stink, ANYDAY!

  3. My best friend has chickens and gives me poop for my compost heap. I cherish him for it. The smell? You get used to it. No where near as horrifying as the smell of organophosphates, to my way of thinking. Awesome payback to your annoying neighbors. Hey, it's a farm!

  4. Give it time… it will work it's way into the soil and the smell will be gone. At least it's not 'windows open' weather yet. LOL


  5. My father insists his tomatoes grow best when fertilized with chicken manure. It's the only thing he'll use.

    And yes, it stinks, but that's what you get for living near farm land, right? The smell will dissipate, and the neighbors will get over it…. until next year ;).

  6. LMAO! That really cracks me up! And the part about the dogs rolling in it? Hilarious!

    Thanks for sharing.

  7. OMG – I'll be back in a second – I'm rollin' on the floor.


    I love it!!

    Hey, speakin' of chicken sh*t, aren't the chicks due this month?

    Love your new header! 🙂

  8. I just hope the dogs made it inside their houses before their owners realized where the smell was coming from –
    I'd much rather smell chicken sh*t that walk down the chemical aisle at the hardware store. Anyday-

  9. What a wonderful ending to the tale of your stinky pile of Black Gold! Pay back, my dear, pay back … though I know your place stinks, too. It'll be gone soon.

    We came home on Tuesday evening and found a real estate sign in the yard of our difficult neighbor. It's a fully-equipped horse farm … wanna be my new neighbor?

  10. What do people expect? You have a farm!! I wouldn't be complaining…I'd be asking if you'd sell me a quarter acre to plant on!

    How is your garden, btw?


  11. I must be immune to all those smells. Don't bother me in the least — you just go on with your bad self and don't worry about the neighbors. It was a free country the last time I checked. 😉

  12. this is so funny and brings back many memories.This was my 1st husband job-selling chicken manure.We had 2000 acres and we had a stockpile for people who liked the older dried sh*t and icould be inside the house and not smell it but walk outside and whoa-it stank.the funniest though was neighbours who bought new land subdivisons in a rural setting yet they complained the most about the husbands answer was then to put as many cows usally a couple of hundred as close to there border line -drove them made -love dee

  13. I'm laughing my arse off! Talk about karma. Aaaaaaaahahahaha!

    That stuff does stink, but that's the smells of spring in my book (I lived for years in a rural area).

    Again I'll say – if you live in farm country, you need to get over a few things.

    I still want to hear what was said when the dogs came home. hehehe!

  14. Karen- Well, if you'd pray overit you could call it Holy Sh*t and sellit for a hundred dollars a bag! Just a athought! Ain't life grand? And, why, I want to know, did you not offer that poor woman a ride? lol

  15. That is just too funny, Karen! I grew up on a farm myself, so I am well aware of all of the "scents", haha!
    Maybe you could make peace with your neighbors by gifting them with a basket of fresh eggs!

  16. Yes, dear, that is what farms smell like, and your cute little chicks are going to make plenty of "smell" before you know it! And it will be free! Just think, one more easy way to make friends with your neighbors.

  17. I am absolutely roaring—seriously laughing right out loud! Why do dogs love to roll in crap anyway?! haha! Growing up a farm girl-I do believe out of pig, cow, chicken…etc…I think chicken manure has gotta be the absolute worst! I think it's good for folks too, have a lil taste of reality and to learn that we need this stuff to help things grow. baha!

  18. Ohhhhhhhhhhh, and by my saying chicken poo is the stinkiest—I know you are getting a coop and don't want to be discouraging. I'm talking about big ol barns with thousands of chickies in there…you know…the right amount of poop to spread!

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