*Sigh – lets catch up, shall we?

   My thoughts on the jack*ss who refuses to stand for the National Anthem at sporting events is exactly this…. 
 Hey there, sir… you’re damned lucky to live in this U.S. of A, and one of the many reasons you should pick some other form of peaceful protest is the very reason you are able to do that despicable act in the first place.  And yeah, I think it’s a despicable act because MANY PEOPLE DIED in order for you to have that right.  They died serving their country, they believed in that flag, in what it stands for.  The reason you make that obnoxious salary for PLAYING A SPORT, yes indeed you play it well,  is because you live in this amazing country. You should consider it a privilidge. You should be grateful to those who gave their life so that you could do such an ignorant thing and not be penalized for it, severely if I had my way.    Let’s talk about that for a minute… If I had my way.   If I were the owners of the NFL teams or any other team for that matter – one of the rules in the contract, because I own your ass in that contract, is that you stand for the Anthem, you pledge allegiance to your flag and country and you show respect for it and the people who gave their lives for your freedoms.  If you do not, you’re off the team. That big fat paycheck you think is owed you.. is not. You earn it, and that’s one of the ways that are expected of you. 
In other news… although this seems petty, trite, sooo non-issue compared to what we’re looking at on the political scene these days…   I can’t help but feel a little vindication for Team Aniston after all these years.  Just that. 
   And Last for today, but certainly not least… I am so utterly disappointed in this election year I don’t even know what to say to express it accurately.  I will certainly not ever vote for Tr*mp,  Jeez, let me count the thousand reasons why,  but I am also  disappointed in H*llary in the ways she still thwarts her own campaign in unnecessary ways.  To be clear, I don’t believe she’s the villian or the murderer or the lying sociopath some of you believe her to be, and we’ve already been through all that so please… no more hashing it out here.  But I wish I felt better about casting a vote in her direction.  Honestly, even though she is far more qualified than the Tangerine Scream, it doesn’t feel great… and with such an important decision being made, I’d like it to feel great.   I bet many of us have the same feeling if we’re being honest, even if you’re a ….. Tr*mp…. supporter.  Surely.. you have reservations, even if you aren’t gonna come out with it.  If you’re a sane person, you’d have to have SOME reservations..   Ah, but I’m stepping over that line again.