*sigh* … sheees baaaaaack.

 I knew she couldn’t keep it to herself.  How long was the only question.  All these years later…. like 16 or so?  …. here we go again with the Lewinsky Clinton Circus.  She’s finally writing her book, telling her story.  Don’t we all know every single sordid stupid detail already?  The Tripp tapes?  The blue dress?  Revolting Cigar use in the oval office?… blah blah blah blah blah.

 She says now that while it was a consensual relationship, she was definitely taken advantage of. I beg to differ, Monica.   Yes, our President was stupid beyond belief at that particular point in time and I will not try to defend him here. However, you were in full control of keeping your blue dress clean and your reputation unshattered if you had just had the respect to keep yourself away from the married President of the United States, regardless of his own ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLY ASININE POOR DECISION MAKING abilities at the time.   I mean, really, Bill… WTF, a 21 year old intern?  And you thought it wouldn’t leak out?  Like she would keep screwing the President of the United States to herself???  You couldn’t wait till you were NOT the President of the US before doing something so stupid?  I had faith in you. I still think you had some greatness in you, but you f-ed it up big time, Dude.  BIG. 

 Anyway, I … will not…. be buying…. a book from THAT woman.

  We were all saturated in every sordid detail of that ridiculous circus and I doubt there are any revelations worthy of our attention.  As for all the Hilary haters who like to blame her for some part in that, or keeping Bill around afterwards..  well, she had no control over the proverbial cigar and she paid a very high price for two other people’s stupidity… You may have your opinions, but the truth is none of us knows all the details in their marriage or anyone else’s for that matter.  In my opinion she handled that situation  with more class and restraint than a lot of us are capable of, me included.

  Please, Monica, just shut up and stop playing the victim. Your 15 minutes of fame were up a looooong time ago.  Just..go.