Cheesy Sister Act

On my way out to the barn early this morning I got a text from my sister as I was pulling up my boot straps…

S:   I’m ready to go buy Velveeta even though I’ve never used it, lol.

Me:  Isn’t that so ridiculous? Even the name is gross.

S:  LOL I know .. it must be a PR gimmick.

Me:  Well.. out into the Polar Vortex I go…with no Velveeta.

S:  Lol.. Stay alive! I will find you and bring nachos!

Me:   Perfect! …but only if you managed to score some velveeta.

S:  I’ll work on it.


For those of you who are not aware.. on many media outlets it has been reported that there is apparently a dire Velveeta shortage. (  – you gotta be kidding me –  ).    So, the new panic shopping items before a snow storm, if Kraft has their way… will be  milk, bread, toilet paper, Velveeta.

 It just doesn’t get any sillier.