Six Week Pickles

  AS IF.. I needed another cookbook.  I am a sucker for a good one – especially if it’s got decent photos to go with the recipes.  Trisha Yearwoods newest is terrific, and I’m  not being paid to say that.  You know how sometimes you’ll buy one that looks great but ultimately there are only two or three recipes you’ll actually use?   This book is chock full of home-spun recipes that aren’t complicated and are very family friendly. There is plenty of her family in there too – including an introduction by Garth.

 Today I  started a batch of Six Week Pickles from Trisha’s book… I’ll let you know how they turn out.  In about six weeks.

I used whole cloves and cinnamon instead of the oils.

21 thoughts on “Six Week Pickles”

  1. I don't buy many cookbooks for that very reason…so few recipes that are actually good OR you have to buy a million non-essential spices, etc., that you would only use once! (ok, maybe a million is a bit dramatic.)
    Thank you for the sharing about this cookbook, I may have to give it a try!

  2. Hi Karen
    I look for cookbooks at the annual book fair. They are used, but many are like brand new. I don't use the recipes much these days. I love the graphics though.

    I used to make a 6 week pickle, that was so easy. Cucumbers, washed sliced in wedges, placed in sterilized jars, then covered with a mix of half water half vinegar, with alumn, garlic, salt, and dill, heated. So easy. The hardest part was waiting six weeks.:-) So good and crisp. Yum. Easy too.

  3. Neat! Where is the cookbook being sold? Wal-Mart, Target? I'll be out and about today so may take a peek at one if I can find it. Good luck with the pickles. I'll bet they'll be yummy.


  4. I am afraid I am more than a sucker for cookbooks, I need a 12 step program! The thing is I don't want to be cured of my addiction! The pickles look beautiful already in that jar on the counter. I'm going to try it, the addition of clove and cinnamon oil will make them really have a unique flavor. We love the Vlasic spicy bread and butters and I found I can "make them" by adding a pinch of red pepper flake to a new bottle of plain bread and butters. Have a great !

  5. I Love this book..very down home…and I absolutely LOVE your pretty pickle jar!

    I too LOVE LOVE cookbooks. I have been collecting them since high school….when I thought we were moving FAST, I packed a lot away and now I am always looking for them…because I remember everything I use from them, they are like my about needing a 12-step program!

  6. Well, you know I'm not a cook really, but I do love homemade pickles. My mom used to make them, and they were so good as I know yours will be!

    Have a happy day! 🙂

  7. I have so many cookbooks I never even open. but a few weeks ago I bought artisan bread in 5 minutes. We are really enjoying it!
    If you read this blog:
    you may never need a cookbook again. (Although I do have the Pioneer woman cookbook) She is always having a give away.
    Now about those pickles, when they are gone, I'll take the jar. so cute!

  8. Back when I actually had a garden, I was always doing pickles. I had one recipe that took 14 days. Days of soaking in lime, and then cooking and recooking every day for like 7 days. Yum they were good!

  9. I know what you mean about cookbooks! I have so many it's crazy! I just like to read them for enjoyment sometimes! I did pickles this summer, they are outstanding! I haven't bought a pickle since August! I'm hoping I can make it through the Spring! Love, your pickle jar, it's beautiful!

  10. I am such a sucker for cookbooks. It is sad..just sad. The last one I bought was The Pioneer Woman's cookbook by Ree Drummond (did I spell that right?) Anyway~it, too, is an amazing cookbook. I will wait to hear how your pickles turn out before I buy it!;>) I will say (with a Southern accent) They shore do look purty, Ma'am! Hugs- Diana

  11. I love cookbooks. I especially love my Southern Living cookbooks and Gooseberry Patch! Those pickles look good! I can't wait to see how they turn out!

  12. I am totally the opposite Karen! Since I don't really cook. I also stopped buying books when I got the Kindle…and now the iPad…so I pretty much just read online!! Your pickles look fabulous though! And Trisha Yearwood and Garth…are pretty interesting!!

  13. Oh yes, love a good cookbook. Although I hardly ever cook from them. But I read them and use the recipes as an inspiration. Although some recipes I do follow to the letter, because they are sooo good (don't ask me for an example, can't think of one now ;-)). Curious how your pickles will end up.

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