The size of the smile…

  What a terrific weekend ! 

  Years ago, when my daughter was just nine or so… we were backyard horse people who thought we’d dabble in the horseshow world to see what it was about. We went to a big barn where they give lessons and show a specific breed of horse.

Ofcourse, the horse we had wasn’t show material, and so we needed to buy something better. We then entered a BREED SPECIFIC show world… where life became complicated. I happen to love this particular breed and we still have one of those, Opie.  ……That  breed specific world of show? It became clear after a few years of seeing it through that  It ain’t our thing

 I’m not trashing it here, we have friends that are still very involved in it and they have had tremendous success. It was just way beyond what we wanted to do with our show experience.   We found it to be very expensive, a bit too intense, competitive in a way that people weren’t very nice to each other, a little catty and drama-filled, but most importanlty we just weren’t having fun.  After trading up to a third horse on trainer’s recommendations.. I realized we weren’t in Kansas anymore. My daughter wasn’t enjoying the experiences… and worst of all, we had bought a young horse to bring up, and the filly was killed in a training accident at the show barn.  My heart was broken.   So we brought our newest horse home and were done with it.

Many years later, my daughter wanted to take up lessons again. This time we went to a barn where I knew they had a mix of the breed specific show people and those who are just taking lessons or participating in Open shows.  The barn is family friendly.  We also met Heidi, who has taken my daughter under her wing and has introduced her to the world of Open and color breed shows with her horse, Beemer.

 Just a year ago, Beemer was a horse nobody wanted.. he came to the barn very skinny and depressed. He was stubborn and unhappy – but Heidi saw something in those big brown eyes, bought him and took HIM under her wing too. What a turnaround… shows you what love can do.

 SO!… what did we find this weekend at the Tri-State Horsemen’s Association first show of the season? …What a difference!  There is still good competition, but it is less intense.  So many breeds, so many beautiful horses!…. There is commeradery among competitors!… compassion! Smiles everywhere!.. doesn’t matter the color of the ribbon, although the blues are still the most desired.   In general, the atmosphere is more user friendly, the cost is more affordable…and my girl is smiling ear to ear.

What a magnificent horse… I’d love one here at This Old House…
husband would file, tho,  I’m sure of it. 

Another team from the barn.. Maria & Apache… 

A very pretty paint…

This horse wore very colorful “clothes”.
His owner was just as colorful. 

12 thoughts on “The size of the smile…”

  1. It's good to find your own niche in life… your own comfort zone. Sounds as though you did… and YAY for your daughter and Beemer. They both look happy and ain't that what it's all about? :-))

  2. What beautiful pictures! I like picture #1, where the horse is wearing his license plate on his hip!
    We have watched some of those shows at the Missouri State Fair, just really awesome to watch! the groomed horses, the beautiful clothes and such a peace and quiet experience.
    thanks for sharing.

  3. I'm so glad she found her place in a terrific barn. Competition is a good thing, if it's friendly and supportive. I am happy to be out of the show world and just enjoying the thought of saddling my horse to do whatever I please.

  4. And, such a beautiful smile that is! I'm glad she had a wonderful time. The photo's are great. 🙂

    I don't know how far (or if at all) that Hunter will go, but she's taking lessons every Sat. morning, and will be going again to horse camp this summer. Did I tell you she's going to Alaska in a week or so? Her paternal grandparents are taking her; Hunt's Uncle Mark is stationed there. I'm so happy for her.

    Okay,sorry I wrote you a book! I'm tending to talk too much since my computer only lets me log on when it feels like it! 🙂

  5. Gorgeous! We pass by two farms with horses on our way to the lakes and I want to stop every time and photograph them… sigh. I really don't know a lick about them- but I think its very cool you found a good fit for yourselves. Truly the exuberant smile says it all!

  6. Such beautiful animals these horses are! How wonderful to be amidst them in that gorgeous barn! Congrats to team Beemer:)

  7. If there's no enjoyment, there really doesn't seem to be much point. Sounds like everyone has found their niche and are enjoying themselves, not to mention the photo ops!

  8. The draft horse is fabulous; love, love, love the draft horse! What kind?
    Karen, how would you like a Curly horse for free? Not kidding, I'm trying to downsize and want to place my horses, not sell them.

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