Soap Floats

…Ivory soap, that is. I’m willing to bet you already know that if you’re as old as I am.  *ahem*

My dad worked at Procter & Gamble on Staten Island along with several of my Uncles for many years. College bound  family members were able to get summer jobs in the P & G warehouses, which was way cool… because we made ALOT of money during those summers.  I believe I took home about $300. a week.   We either worked on conveyor belts righting upturned bottles or boxes, made boxes with glue guns, or climbed on top of MOUNTAINS of soap… I’m talking mountains. And we scrapped them. These were defective soap, and so they needed unwrapping and then chucking into bins. We had a grand old time on the piles of soap, singing Van Halen’s JUMP at the top of our lungs. Whenever I hear that song it brings me back…
(If OSHA or P & G are reading this, I’m lying about all of it.)
Upon returning home thoroughly exhausted after my first day of work, I got into the shower and lathered up without ever touching a bar.  That’s how COATED I was with the stuff.  It didn’t thwart my love of soaps though… especially the funky and unique.   I steal all of those little tiny microscopic   soaps from hotel rooms… and forget about a box of chocolates or a fistfull of flowers. Bring me a delicious soap!  Well, chocolate’s good too.

   This is what got me going on the soap subject today…. look what I found at the grocery store…

Money Soap Jackpot and Florida Water Soap…. huh?… for $1.95 I bought a bar of each because my curiosity was getting the best of me.  What the heck is money soap for, cleaning money? Is it MADE out of money?  And we all know Florida drinking water is TERRIBLE AWFUL NO GOOD AND VERY BAD. (sorry Florida peeps,  but you know it’s true). So do you use this soap to wash your mouth out after you’ve swallowed some?  I had to google it.  Notice both bars unwrapped say Complexion and Toilet – New York.  So if you’re in New York you can use it on your complexion or the toilet? Would I want to use one product that specifies both?

Here’s what Amazon says:  FLORIDA WATER SOAP – Thought to bring a youthful glow to your complexion.  Enjoy the refreshing scent of Florida Water in this delightful soap.    

MONEY SOAP :  Believing Makes It So!  Luck Brings More Luck! Wash off the Bad Luck!
If you don’t get lucky…..  at least you will smell lucky!

Ok then.

8 thoughts on “Soap Floats”

  1. The one and only soap that I cannot put on my skin without breaking out in scaly, red patches is Ivory…and I grew up using it daily.

    Loved your post about an ordinary day:)

  2. Like you, Karen, I adore soap but handmade soap, especially. All those hotel bath products I bring home and then package up to give to shelters or to folks who are in "lessoned circumstances" and they enjoy them.
    Someone told me *soap* is *only* lye, water, fat and anything else is detergent. Am I being led astray?

  3. I have a soap problem. I am now addicted to cottage made goat milk soaps.
    I just used up my cake of Pumpkin Spice & I have no idea were I got it…so now I turn to Etsy…bless Etsy!

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