Spring Give-away Winner – and You Guys Totally Rock

  Thank you so much for all the birthday wishes, you make my heart sing with all your kind words, truly.
 No, I didn’t get a pony.

 Sandra of Thistle Cove farms… You have won my Spring Give-away!!  Send me an e-mail with your address – I’ve had fun putting a package together for you.

 Have you heard? Today the moon will be at it’s largest, and the Tides will be at their highest. Get your cameras out!

  Yesterday I took Ben for a walk on the beach and for the first time ever, I saw a seal sunning himself on a rock nearby.  In my 26 years of living in CT, I have never seen a seal in the waters here before.  Then, making our way back up the beach, there were two swans just out of dogs reach.  Always an odd sight to me in salt water.  But beautiful.   When I wrangle Ben, the camera is too much… so many photo ops, and NO CAMERA!!  The dilemna of being a camera lover is, you ALWAYS see something you want to capture… hard to be without it!

 Have a wonderful weekend    🙂

23 thoughts on “Spring Give-away Winner – and You Guys Totally Rock”

  1. Happy belated birthday Karen. How exciting to see a seal. I totally agree that you never have your camera when you need it.

    A 200 lb bear walked by our sun deck just after we had gone inside to get something to drink. I saw him from the screened porch but alas, no camera nearby.

    The moon is gorgeous here too. In the islands when the tides are extreme, they call them "moon tides." Wonder where they got that name? LOL

  2. I live in the Outer Banks of NC and for some reason this year we have had several seals just sitting on the beach sunning themselves. A few days ago there was a young seal pup, and he was so, so cut. He had the biggest brown eyes and I just wanted to pet him so badly. His mother was still in the water and she just waited patiently for her pup to return, but it was one of the coolest things I have ever seen.

  3. so sorry i missed your birthday….but a happy belated wish is almost as good !
    i'll be 47 in august….and i don't mind forty anything. but i'm sure that when 50 stops by to wrap its arms around me, i might freak out a bit….

    i'm going to try to shoot that moon tonight….i hope we can find an amazing viewing spot and that i can figure out what to do on my camera….i read that you're supposed to think of the moon just as if you were shooting the sun……whaaaat ?

  4. I would love to live near the ocean, it is so calming. How exciting to have seen the seal and swans! I'll be watching for the big moon tonight!

  5. We had seals who actually lived in the canals (which are like small rivers)when we lived in south Florida. They can be quite mean!

    Congrats to Sandra!!! One of my BFF's 🙂
    xo, misha

  6. Congratulations to Sandra!

    Sorry you weren't able to get pictures, but it sounds like it was a fun day.

    Happy belated Birthday.


  7. Hi Karen,

    By the sounds of it, I think it's time for you to get yourself, a good,compact, point and shoot, camera, that fits in your pocket, and goes everywhere. That's what I bought a couple of years ago, so I have one with me at all times, or when I didn't want to take my larger camera. I bought a Panasonic DMC-ZS-3,great zoom range,25mm-300mm….very compact….great pictures…$200. They might not make that model anymore, but a better one is probably made now. The 25mm wide angle is the important part…You would love it.
    All my Parmelee Farm pictures are done with this camera. Even the 24×30 enlargements in the Town Hall. Check it out!


  8. Hi Karen..I stumbled onto your blog and I just love it! We have a few things in common..dogs, horses, cooking and home and family. Come say hi sometime ;D

  9. Oh no… no camera when wrangling Ben? You surely must find a solution for that. Someone who photographs as awesome as you, should never be without a camera! Maybe you could do like Connie and find a small one, that fits in your pocket. Just don't lay it down and step on it!

  10. Hi Neighbor….here in sunny Florida. First time I'm able to get to a computer….You had a birthday. Happy Happy Birthday you beautiful person. Hope all is well in the town. Home next week.
    Mrs. N

  11. What no pony???!! I'm thinking of riding tomorrow for the first time this spring…always a little nervous the first time!! Sounds lovely to walk along the beach–I grew up near the beach in CT and never saw a seal!! xo Cait

  12. No pony? Camera gone Wow! Well, I'd say stick with Tim up there and get the point and shoot! Sounds like you had a wonderful day~ And, congrats to Sandra! Hugs- Diana

  13. Hope your birthday was wonderful and filled with fabulous memories, you young thang you!
    Many thanks for the gift-away, I'm so excited to win this fine, beautiful spring day.

  14. May your hands always be busy. May your feet always be swift. May you have a strong foundation, when the winds of changes shift. May your heart always be joyful. And may your song always be sung. May you stay….
    forever young.

  15. Awww missed your Birthday, but belated Happy Birthday anyway 🙂 Love the nest photo and oh those eggs… wow. I think it would be a thrill to live so close to such diverse wildlife- a seal- how very cool.

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