Spring things

Despite the lukewarm appearance,
we are insisting on the rituals of early Spring here at This Old House. 
I’ve dirted the pots for seeds…
(those are my clay pigs, FB friends thought they were real)
and rose-toned the roses around the greenhouse…
I use organic fertilizer, and make sure to only apply it around the dripline of the bush,
then mix it into the soil pretty good…
this eliminates burning the plant with the fertilizer.
I wore my new walking sneakers to do dirty work..
I always promise myself I will not crap up my new sneaks,
and I do it anyway.
I have nine hens, and usually get about five or six eggs a day…
Look at the diversity in size and color…
Who says you should only dye white easter eggs?
To get the thin stripe effect, wrap rubber bands around your eggs before you dip them in dye.
To get the big fat band, scotch tape!
To get really intense deep color, use two tablets of dye with vinegar
 in dye cup instead of recommended one.
Our favorite breakfast around here..
ask me how much I love my chickens  🙂
Happy Spring, and a joyous Easter weekend to all –

18 thoughts on “Spring things”

  1. Happy Easter to you too! Damn that's a lot of seed pots! How exciting. I still haven't started mine. About ten days behind schedule but I was afraid that might push winter off even further! Haha. Hope it's a beautiful weekend with your family.

  2. Thanks for reminding me … I need to go shopping for a new pair of walking shoes. Ruby and I have some winter blubber to walk off, now that the weather is promising to be warmer.

    Those DO look like real pigs.

  3. I just bought some new walking around shoes too, and they are so comfortable. I bought Merrells this time. My feet are happy. And I AM NOT going to mess them up. Nope, no way!

    Enjoy your Easter:-)

  4. I love that you are digging in the dirt already! I'm looking forward to seeing your veggie garden this year.

    Are you able to use that many eggs every day? We go through about a dozen a week, but I bake a lot. Just wondering what you do with them.


  5. Eggs in a frame! That's the first (home) cooking project my oldest son did in home economics.

    Happy Easter, Karen… to you and yours!

  6. I recently was told that to get beautiful, strong rose bushes you should put banana peels around the base of them and let them decompose into the soil. Since I do not have rose bushes… or care for bananas, I'm passing this along. I also thought your pigs were real!

  7. I'm going to miss my roses, but it's all good. Love the eggs, both natural and colored. You gave some good tips! Can't wait to see the garden this year! Happy Easter to you and all the family.(I used to make egg toast like that for Patti when she was little; it was the only way I could get her to eat eggs. Maybe I should start up the tradition again. Yours look SO good!)

  8. I absolutely LOVE all of your colored eggs!! I am not happy with the way mine turned out this year…and I have no idea why they didn't turn out good…perhaps it was an old mix or something?? LOVE those new sneakers!! But yeah…you should probably leave them in the house when you are out digging in the dirt. Happy Easter to you all!!

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