Storm or no storm, that’s the question.

 The last real hurricane I remember was Gloria in 1985.  We took a beating here in Connecticut, without power for 7 days, trees felled everywhere.  Here’s a picture from Gloria archives along Long Island Sound.

As Earl heads this way… or not…. our public schools have declared a half day today, my daughter’s college cancelled classes and recommended students go home.  We’ve got plywood ready for that huge window in the family room and we’re taking in the lawn furniture. But you know… I think it’s gonna be a bust.
My friend Cindy and I were going to act like a couple of stormchasers,  bring the boys and the cameras to the Rhode Island beaches this morning and take awesome wave photos.. but the webcams look foggy and the waves are minimal. Not worth the drive.  Might head down to our local beaches tonight… I love a good storm…
as long as no one gets hurt   ðŸ™‚

7 thoughts on “Storm or no storm, that’s the question.”

  1. I am learning to get over my fear of tornados…I don't know if I'm up to waging a battle with a hurricane.

    I pray for your safety and hope it misses the coast altogether.


  2. I'm the same way – love, love a good storm. As long as none of my trees fall. Have fun chasing the storm. We are far enough inland here that I think we will be unaffected.


  3. I totally agree Karen! The pictures could have been amazing!! But, this particular storm seems to have fizzled out. A good thing for all my relatives along the Cape.

  4. We sat through Hurricane Isabel when we lived in Maryland. Lost a few trees in the neighborhood, one of which fell on top of a neighbors mini-van that she didn't pull into the garage as her hubby told her to do… Have tons of photos from that day.

  5. I've been through enough hurricanes to be happy that this one petered out…just getting a good soaking…I did go to the beaches yesterday…some high surf …and the water was full of chopped up jellyfish:(

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