14 thoughts on “Sunday Snapshots”

  1. Don't you love the weekend…at least the small part we get to do what we want to do! We are doing seedlings too, the deer expect grazing greens!

  2. Yeah, you and Joey both having good days, awesome.
    You better have a lot of those little plastic seed holder thingys, $300 in seeds!

  3. A day in the life…love it. And love the painting you did of the dog and the little girl. Is that a self-portrait by any chance???



  4. I love walking in the rain… as long as I have a great rain hat on that keeps the raindrops off my glasses so I can see where I'm going.

    Your forsythia looks soooo pretty!


  5. Terrific post. Love that raindrops photo.
    I had planned to sow my Tagetes (to be planted next to the potatoes in the veg garden later) and other stuff too this week. Your dogs are wonderful (not as wonderful as mine of course LOL, but definitely close seconds).

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