They’re on their way!…….

Over 100 shelter dogs and pups, many having been saved from kill shelters, are being prepped by their rescues  for the up coming  Dog Days adoption event next Saturday and Sunday…


(hold me back!) 

Dog Days has now placed close to 1000 dogs in the past two years alone…
how amazing is that? 
Screw Washington… we the people know how to get things done, now, don’t we. 
 My unsolicited advice? Don’t hesitate to join a group of dedicated people
 trying to solve some of the worlds problems in your area… 
whether it’s  animal rescue or feeding the homeless or 
donating to good will or heck, smiling at your neighbor who repeatedly
throws his grass clippings over your side of the fence. 
We can all make a difference in big and small ways, it all matters.  You matter.
Hooray for the Underdog!!
  It’s a beautiful thing – 

100 Dogs – 100 new chances at life

Saturday and Sunday were hot and humid,
but that didn’t stop some 80 volunteers from putting on an
Adoption Event that resulted in 100 shelter dogs and puppies
finding their forever homes. 
Each day, the event is open from 11am-4pm.
Ten hours total,  out of 135 dogs, 100 homes secured.
Simply amazing.
The remaining unadopted dogs went into foster and are free from kill shelters forever.  
You would not believe the mayhem that fills those hours.
The meeting, the greeting, the reference checks, the vet reference checks,
the interviews, the adoption paperwork.
100 Dogs.
100 Adopters.
10 hours.
Founder Lorin on the right rallying the troops
next to the owner of Bishops Orchard in Guilford, who was kind enough to let Dog Days use their
awesome farm facility.
As you can see… it takes a village.
In all the land you will not find a more dedicated group of volunteers
than the folks who come out for Dog Days.
My son on the left with some of his friends.
Don’t underestimate the teens of today…..these guys worked for 30 hours in total
setting up and taking down kennels, tents, banners, trash removal, car parking, hay bale moving, 
etc. etc. etc… it was dirty work, and they stepped up to do it.  
Such a great thing to see, so many young people getting involved
for nothing more than the love of the dog and helping less fortunate creatures.
And pizza . There is always pizza.
The Rangers and Scouts are an amazing crew…Adults and teens caring for the dogs
and helping families connect with them and choose the right fit.
This awesome group dedicated their weekend to the health and well being of
the shelter dogs and their new families.
Once the event is set up and all dogs have arrived with their rescues,
checked by the vet, bathed and given a day to settle in,
 The flood gates open at 11am on Saturday
and the forming of new families begins.
The interview to make sure the home an adopter wants to provide
is a good match for the dog.
Lorin Greene, look what you’ve done.
You Go Girl.
Dog Days is already fundraising for the next event,
to be held in Norwich in September.
If you’d like to volunteer some of your time or can make a monetary donation
of any amount, –  even $5.00 goes a LONG WAY! …
Click HERE for more information.
Hooray for the Underdog.


  It’s hard to believe all the destruction in the past few years caused by natural disasters, so many wicked storms…. lives, homes, neighborhoods, families.. destroyed. I’m sending prayers and healing thoughts today to those affected by the storms and tornadoes out west. My sisters son, wife and new baby boy were in a closet in Arkansas last night waiting out a storm, I’m hoping all are OK today.

  A few Dog Days pictures from this past weekend of  families with their adopted dogs below…

Do you remember Hank with the red bandana in my previous post?
Here he is with his new family. They came in the rain to meet him and fall in love.
This is Alexis and Tehran with their new family.
The mom on the right was crying tears of Joy when the bell rang signifying their adoption.
These two middle aged dogs were very bonded..
what an awesome thing to see them go home TOGETHER!
See the two volunteers in the background hugging?
We’re all suckers for these happy endings.
The tally was 69 of the 85 dogs in attendance were adopted.
The rest went into foster or back to rescue. None will die in a kill shelter.

Mediterranean Turkey Burgers and a DD update

 We’ve had another successful Dog Days Adoption Event!  I did not take pictures during the weekend because I was too busy with the adoption interview process, that was my roll this weekend.  It’s not an easy job because sometimes I know the people and the dog they think they want are not a good match. I did turn two people away because they were unable to give any references, and we insist on those before we let the adoption go through.  I don’t like to disappoint or hurt people’s feelings, but our first priority it the well being of the dog. When they don’t understand that and get angry, they weren’t the right people to adopt anyway,  in my opinion.

  There was another photographer on site, I’ll post some of the adoption stories once she has posted her pics.  There were many tears of joy, for sure.

 For now I’ll share with you this great turkey burger recipe I got from Joey of The Fitness Connection a while back. Made it last night and it was delicious after eating crap all weekend on the fly.  The photographs are not mine, but show you the variation of how you can serve turkey burgers.

I don’t have a specific recipe, but it’s pretty easy to put together.
Use the amounts you would like according to your taste preferences.
I add in a generous amount of each ingredient because I like full flavor.
2 lbs ground lean turkey breast (or 1 lb. if you are just feeding one or two people)
Crumbled feta cheese
Pesto sauce
salt & pepper
bread crumbs
minced garlic
Chopped red onion, if desired (I don’t add it in)
Mix all ingredients together well and form patties, not too thick
Heat large pan and spray with cooking spray.
cook burgers until no longer pink.
I serve them with a yogurt or sour cream sauce..
my preference is sour cream but you can use plain Greek yogurt too..
In a bowl combine sour cream (about two cups),1 chopped cucumber, minced garlic to taste
salt & pepper.   I sliced a tomato thin.. placed the slices on top of the burgers
(no buns for us)..and added a big dollop of the sauce on top. 

And.. we’re ready to GO DOG DAYS, GO!!!

  Yesterday was take-in day… the transports come from down South with their shelter/rescued dogs.  The local shelter dogs will be brought in this morning.  Southern Rescuers and dogs are thoroughly exhausted by the time they get to us.  We’ve got paperwork ready and the local vet on hand to check each and every dog out, plus check their paperwork to verify they have all their innoculations and de-worming and are neutered or spayed. All are a requirement to come to Dog days. We charge absolutely nothing for entry or adoption, that’s why we’re always fund raising to hold these events.  Here are some pictures as we went through that process…

 Kennels set up at site, disinfected, name and information of each dog attached to it’s cage.

The vet checks each of the 80-100 dogs and puppies that come to be adopted
before they are allowed exhausting eight hours of work for him
but so necessary.  He checks for temperment as well as health.
The Volunteer has the dogs health records with her, which will also be reviewed by the vet.
Once they are vetted, they are given the opportunity to relax in the grass and around the grounds
with a volunteer before they are tucked away for the night.
This is Buster.  If only I didn’t have four,
he’d be coming home with me today.
What a gentleman, an old soul, just a love.
Today and tomorrow are their chance to find their forever home.
Usually if we have 100 dogs, atleast 90 go home with a new family.
6 Business Park Road, Old Saybrook, follow the DD signs if you’re
in driving distance and want a new family member….
It’s a new day, people…and..
It’s a beautiful thing.  


This picture was in our local paper yesterday..
my kiddo volunteered with her place of employment
for Habitat for Humanity last weekend.
Proud Mom, I am.

Swinging a hammer is in the blood, don’t ya know 🙂
Today the dogs will be arriving to settle in at our event (already set up).
They’ll be checked over by the Veterinarian to make sure they are up to date
on all vaccinations and healthy.  Some are traveling from 16 hours away,
others are from just a few towns over at municipal pounds.
Wish them all luck in finding homes –
(my eyes just welled up typing that line, it never fails)

Look whos coming to Dog Days

Hard to believe these dogs were dumped, abandoned, abused, etc.
isn’t it?  And yet all who come to our events are still loving dogs
who believe in us humans, finding a way to trust and love despite their experiences.
If you live in driving distance of Old Saybrook, CT or know someone
who might be interested in one of these dogs or the other 80 or so
dogs and puppies who will attend this weekend’s Dog Days Adoption Event,
see flyer below for more information.

Sprung from the pound!

Dog Days is gearing up for another Adoption event in Saybrook on May 18th.
Here’s what happens…
See Okie girl below?
Sitting in a kill shelter just days ago…

A rescue group found her waiting to die,
spent time with her and realized she was a loving pup who would
most likely find a family to love her if she was in the right setting.
So they sprung her from death row along with another pup.
Here they are on their “freedom ride” .
Look at the Joy on their faces already. 
Do you have goosebumps yet?  
Both are vetted and in quarantine now, being loved by their rescue group,
getting ready to come to our adoption event May 18th.
So that’s how it works. 
Here are a few more lucky dogs who’ve been sprung and will be available
May 18th and 19th at Dog Days. 
This little girl yet to have a name…


Dee Dee


I’ve had dogs since I was very young.
Mutts, purebreds, adopted, rescued, purchased.
They’ve all been loyal, loving, obedient for the most part.
Except for the piss pot, no more mini dachsunds for me.
There is no question, though, that when you rescue/adopt a dog..
there’s a gratitude not paralleled with any other.
Somehow they know…
and return the favor tenfold.

If you’re local, there will be a fundraiser for Dog Days
next Adoption Event ( to be held in Saybrook in May.)
See flyer below, and come join our efforts this Saturday Night
by purchasing a pasta dinner – just $10, either sit in or take out –
and let’s rescue another 100 dogs~

Hearts for Hounds

Yesterday a box arrived from still-snowy Nebraska.
There was no chill in this box, however…
more like a brilliant ray of sunshine.
made these by hand to be worn by our next group of
rescued shelter dogs who will be available for adoption
in May… see link below for more info.
Not only did she spent time putting these beautiful heart tags together,
she thought of me too….
A beautiful mug and my favorite tea (how did you KNOW?)
and… a camera necklace that I’ll be wearing today..
never seen one like it and I love it..
you all know I’m a shutter bug.
I wish THIS kind of thing..
an act of kindness… were in the headlines on a daily basis.
It’s what really makes the world go round.
Thank you, Nancy.
Thank you.