Lets Save 100 More….

The next Dog Days Adoption Event!!….
isn’t scheduled yet. 
Why?  Because funds are needed for all the expenses
of a weekend-long adoption event..
things like porta potties, tent rental , dog food for the shelter dogs,
Sanitary lotions, food for the volunteers, hay for bedding in the pens,
medical supplies, dumpster for garbage.. rubber gloves, etc. etc. etc…
Volunteers of Dog Days are holding various fundraisers this month
so that another 100 or so dogs and puppies from kill shelters
and also those in municipal pounds can find a home.
My contribution to this effort was having T-shirts made
for those who would like to contribute.
Here’s what you can do if you are interested…
Make a donation of $20. or more to the cause,
and I’ll mail or hand you a t-shirt in the size of your choice.
Supplies are limited, so if you want to “purchase”
a donation shirt… here are the details – 
Women’s white V-neck T-shirt…
limited number of sizes  M, L, XL, XXL
below is the design…
Yup, that’s Frasier..
Next design will be another adopted Dog…maybe yours?
On the back of the Tee will be a quote by Margaret Mead…
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
 ~Margaret Mead
If you’d like to make a donation and receive a t-shirt, please e-mail me
and we’ll work out the details (payment method, size, shipping address if not local)
You know I’ll keep you posted on the event itself
so you can see exactly what your money went to… the  dogs you helped save.
see Dog Days Adoption Events label on side of blog
if you want to be acquainted with what we’re doing.

This Dog Found a Home!

 At the last Dog Days Event in Chester, CT… I fell in love with a dog named Susie. She had been left at the pound by a family who had to move to a rent where dogs were not allowed.  She had been loved, and then left.  Sadly, her previous little boy had seen her picture on Petfinder and was heartbroken. He called to see if she was OK.  It took a while for Susie to find a forever home, and you may remember I was SOOO tempted to keep her myself… although keeping my husband after dog number 4 was kinda important.

 Well, I have great news…
Susie was adopted by a firefighter the other day.
She’s out of the pound and living a good life again.

What I love best

That picture I didn’t capture yesterday
because I was too busy cheering and crying?…
Someone else did.
Pure Joy…
And today…another victorious day for the underdogs!

I have to give a shout out to my dear friend Carol…
Carol and I are animal fanatics together.
She was in my wedding, we’ve been neighbors on and off…
Our kids grew up together.
Her son, Jordan, has been volunteering at Dog Days Events..
Two so far. 
It appears Carol isn’t able to visit Jordan at the event
without going home with a “souvineer”.
They are now the proud adopters of Dog Days Dog Number 2…
which would make their total… SIX
Now, they have the space and the love and the knowledge for six dogs
ranging from big to little.
But I just gotta say this..
So.. I had nothing to do with this one. Nothing, got it?
oh, I didn’t mean that.

Always the tears….

You know…
it happens every.single.time.
The rallying speech by fearless leader Lorin
at the start of adoption weekend..

Each and every time the bells rings
and a rainbow bandana (adopted!)  is placed around the dogs neck
instead of the orange (adoptable) bandana.
My favorite moment today?
The high fives one older woman in a wheelchair
was giving us and the tears in all of our eyes
..including hers.. as her husband wheeled her and
their newly adopted dog Lilly (see previous post)
out the door.  What a lovely lady.. so filled with joy
to have that dog on her lap.
It was a beautiful thing…
did I take a picture?  NOPE.. my eyes were too filled with tears.
It takes a village to pull this kind of an event together.
And a dedicated village we have.
I am only a very small link in this
strong and powerful chain…grateful for the opportunity.
Adopted! Another Volunteer who took home a “souvineer”.

Adopted.. together with his buddy!
The Awesome Adoption Team

Lillian, the dog groomer extraordinare!

Susie still needs a home.. wonderful dog for someone.
NO, I didn’t bring her home with me today.

These girls sell lemonade at all the Dog Days events and
donate their proceeds.. how very cool is that?

Adopted!!!  Don’t they make an awesome pair?

Sometimes the dog picks YOU!

Tomorrow is another day ..
Hooray for the Underdogs!

Hold me back!

Last night the rescues rolled in with their shelter dogs…
vet exams were given ..
baths taken.. feeding, walking, kennel checks..
The heat and then the rain..
many awesome volunteers…
Don’t forget… if you’re in driving distance and thinking of  adding
a new family member,
Chester Fairgrounds, Chester, CT…
10-4, Saturday & Sunday.
MANY small dogs, purebreeds and mixes
as well as larger dogs from our municipal pounds available.
ALL vet checked and temperment checked.
Some aged, some pups, all needing new homes
 after having been abandoned or abused. 
Maybe I’ll see you there!
OH.. to the commentor who said she’s interested in Lilly and coming to meet her…
she is the favorite so far, I recommend you come early today.
I wasn’t able to respond to your comment because you have your e-mail blocked.

Another Day for the Dogs!….

    This weekend there will be another shelter dog adoption event in Chester, Ct at the Fairgrounds.  For more information… go here

Dog Days dogs  are pulled from high kill shelters,
and some are from municipal dog pounds
and Connecticut Rescue groups.
When you adopt a  Dog Days shelter dog,
you are saving a life.
The saving of dogs from cruel euthanasia 
or a life in a kennel
and finding them homes is their mission.
Meet some of the dogs  
who will be available for adoption this weekend….
 please dog days people..keep me away from Susie
If you see me hovering… just SAY NO!!!
For a full list of the dogs available this weekend, or more information
on the dogs listed above, visit the link at the beginning of the post.

Regarding T-shirts in this post earlier today…
just got word from the printer…
and they’ve run into snags and want to up the price
so that it will not be affordable to produce.
When we find a better option,
we’ll work on this fundraiser again.


Chester Sunday Market

   Not too far from here is the charming New England town of Chester.  On Sunday mornings from 10am-1pm there is a wonderful farmers/artisan market among the quaint shops and restaurants on Main St.  For those of you who are local.. check out the link for more info…

I brought home a bottle of this delicously fresh Connecticut milk,
along with a bottle of Belgium Chocolate milk…
YUM doesn’t begin to describe it.
and.. I love the glass bottle!
I’m a sucker for good soap..
and so I also bought a bar of Strawberry patch
from this goat soap artisan.
Dog Days women had a booth there too, to raise money for
the next shelter dog adoption event, also in Chester next weekend…
I’ve got some exciting news about that – a really cool t-shirt
that Frasier and I designed to raise money for shelter dogs…
 The little guy on her shoulder is a rescued shelter dog.
We volunteers tend to take home “souvineers”… as we call them.
The produce and flowers were beautiful….
all grown by CT farmers…

…and what I love most about this market…
is the community vibe… it’s everywhere!
Dogs welcome!
 I’de say half the crowd had a dog on a leash.
Very cool indeed. 


A picture says a thousand words….

Frasier at the adoption event in March….
I hadn’t seen this photo before, it was posted on the FB page of the
photographer who attended the Old Saybrook Event.

Oddly, Frasier escaped my radar that weekend
until he went missing from his new adopters home
just 25 minutes after leaving the adoption event.

Funny..  but not really….the man came back to get his money back,
because the dog “isn’t a house dog, I don’t want him if you do find him”.
That information couldn’t have been further from the truth.
This Dog is one of the most loving, cuddly dogs we’ve ever had. 
If he could sit in your pocket all day, he would.
Totally house trained too.
I can’t express enough what a great feeling it is
to save a dog’s life, and watch them flourish as
they learn what it is to be loved. 
So next time you’re considering a dog… first look into Adopting before you shop.
Frasier thanks you.  

A Happy Tail

  Let’s go back to the last Dog Days Adoption Event in Old Saybrook. At the end of the weekend there were just a few dogs left… one, named Wally, captured all of our hearts. You can see his adoption video here.   We had all been cuddling Wally that day, sad that he just wasn’t finding his forever home.  After a few hours of searching for Frasier in a nearby neighborhood – ( the lost newly adopted dog who was soon to become my own) – I had just returned to the event to find Wally in the arms of a lovely couple who were in the process of adopted him!  I had tears in my eyes…

I was able to catch up with these wonderful folks and get an update on Wally’s new life.  Thank you, Liz and Brenda!…..

  We just love Wally and he is the best dog for us. He is a blessing for sure. We kept his name because one of our sons lives in Wallingford, lovingly known as Wallyworld and we added Peace because he is pure peace to have here.

The first picture is of Wally coming home. Unfortunately, we had a house full of people the first night, but he went to sleep under the table with craziness all around.

The second picture is of Wally after a busy day at the ball park with George. He loves to travel in the car and go wherever we are going. Notice that he loves his grandmothers quilts best. Nothing is too good for this dog.

 The third picture is of Wally in his game day shirt. My daughter-in-law that found him for us in Old Saybrook, ordered a shirt for him that lets everyone know that he is with the Coach of 960 WELI.

We have a farm nearby that we visit to see animals with our grandchildren. Wally goes too. He and the bunny hit it right off. They were digging from both sides of a fence to see each other. He also likes the pony and goats.

Wally is with his sister, The Sequelle. He has never tried to chase her, but she keeps her distance for now. As much as he likes to bark at squirrels and birds, he seems to respect her space and she his.

We love this dog and I am healthier for the great walks that we take together every morning and night.



   Dog Days Adoption Events has pulled Smiley and two other dogs from a kill shelter just in time… they were scheduled for euthanization.  See link below for Smiley’s information and location… what a handsome boy. He is now safe in a foster home here in Connecticut and is available for adoption.

Can you imagine killing this boy with an inhumane heartstick?
That was his fate just weeks ago. 
For more info on Smiley.. click here…