Cowgirl Up!

   We’re having a good time at the horse show this weekend..
Max and K have really gotten to know each other this year,
it’s been such a rewarding experience… in both western and english riding. 
Pairing up the old timer with the new kid on the block (K)
was a good move. 
He knows his job, but he doesn’t just hand it to her.
If she doesn’t ask the right way,  he doesn’t give it.
Yesterday in her first class she got nervous, and so  Max
felt the tension and thought there was something to be nervous about.
Needless to say they didn’t do well. 
For the second class we explained the importance of 
not focusing on the fact that you’re being judged by two people in the ring. 
Just focus on relaxing and riding your horse to the best of your ability. 
She chilled out. 
Max gave her what she asked for.
They won the next class, which was a harder equitation pattern.
Any team is a work in progress, and the journey toward the goal
 should be an enjoyable experience. 
That’s a good lesson not everyone learns.
The journey is the reward. 

Some well deserved grazing at the end of a long hot dusty day. 

Of Ice and Men

I tried a new variety of tomato in the garden this year…
found in the Burpee catalog..
Italian Ice cherry tomatoes…
They’re not red.. they mature to a white/yellow 
and oooh boy are they good. Sweet! 
Where do the men come in?
My guys are making a little shed for my chicken coop supplies,
currently housed in a big rubbermaid tub, and that just ain’t cuttin it. 
I love them dearly, I do.
I want to thank you for all the words of encouragement and support in
my foray into painting again… you guys are the best cheerleading section a gal
could ever have.  Seriously. 
Off  to a four day  horseshow with the girlchild  and Max… 
 It’s the start of a new  weekend, all –
make it a good one! 

The Golden Girls and the Marathons of Life

 My mother has a circle of friends who have been there for each other through thick and thin, sickness and health, triumph and heartbreak  for many years.   I have come to love them through her, and I envy their closeness.  It seems my generation doesn’t necessarily form the same bonds for the duration, as these women have. Perhaps todays’ more transient lifestyles have something to do with it, I don’t know.  What I do know is, friends are essential for a persons well being, and nurturing them provides reward well worth the effort.

   One of these friends lost a son earlier this week, suddenly, tragically. They gathered over recent days to comfort and say good bye to their beloved.  Another son in this circle, a friend of the departed,  has written a beautiful piece about the marathons in life and I invite you to read it…..

Imagine that!

 I just changed browsers, and the problem is fixed.  Using Google Chrome for this post, no issues. So, the issue is with Internet Explorer/Blogger.

 Thank you all for participating in my conversation the other day regarding current events.  I enjoy these posts because while it may seem I’m just a tad opinionated (ahem) …I also appreciate another’s perspective and sometimes with that new perspective I see things a little differently. This is what I wish the whole world would do….  Create meaningful dialogue with an open mind.   I like to think I’m a tolerant person of the  unbiased non-judgemental sort.  Sometimes that’s not entirely true and I don’t mind being called on it, because it’s not where I want to be.

    About my dollhouse project… well, it’s at a standstill. I’ve gotten the interior work done on the floors and walls, etc… and there are some furnishings complete, but still no living room or bedroom. I’m thinking my Christmas List will contain those very things this year. With all the other bills we have, somehow purchasing this stuff for no-one-will-ever-live-there-ever…. just doesn’t feel right.  However,  I can covet a few things on etsy… see below.

You can see how one could get totally engrossed..
…and possibly broke… 🙂 
It’s been hot, HUMID, and now rainy here at This Old House.
I’ve been doing some decluttering –  always feels good to do so…
and came across this photo of my girl
when she was about 7 years old.
This was her first horse show, her first trail class.
Our horse at that time was a wing-nut , and would not calm down
at the fairgrounds. A good friend and neighbor, also riding in the show,
let us “borrow” her mare, Lucky Maggie.
Maggie was a golden girl, in looks and temperament, as you can see. 
As for that show shirt?  What was her mama thinking???
Oh.. that would be me.
Have a good day, all – 

Aquinnah and 25

  Rather than reinvent the wheel, I’m stealing words from Wikipedia below… I hope you don’t mind.  Our favorite beach on the Vineyard is Moshup Beach, just below the Gay Head cliffs, now known as ” Aquinnah”… a town located on the most rural location of the island. We love it for it’s rugged natural beauty.  Because of all the rocks, I don’t recommend it for swimming.. but bring your beach chair, suit for dipping and a good book and you’ll find peace in abundance.  There is a hike from the parking lot way down to the beach itself, but it’s a pretty walk at that… and you can drop off the day’s supplies right near the beach before you park in the lot.

“The population of Aquinnah was 311 at the 2010 U.S. census. It is known for its beautiful clay cliffs and quiet natural serenity, things which have become less common in the heavily populated Northeastern United States. Below the clay cliffs is Jungle Beach, named for the lack of clothing worn. It’s one of the few nude beaches left in the U.S. More recently, it has become celebrated as a center of Wampanoag culture and a center of pride and tradition among members of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head, who make up about one-third of the town’s voters. This area is one of the earliest sites of whaling, done from shore by the Wampanoags, long before the 19th century industry of whaling became the major maritime industry of Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and New Bedford, Massachusetts.”

  The nude beach, to be clear, is all the way down at the end of the cliffside beach.  We don’t go there, but if you’re so inclined, go for it!..  We stay at the other end where suits are the norm.  Unless I suddenly wake up in a supermodels body, you won’t catch me bare-assed on the beach, ever.  Pardon the french.

The directional signs on the island roads, some very rural.. look like this. 
No trip up island is complete without a stop
at Alleys General Store in West Tisbury…where you will find everything and anything
piled high, floor to ceiling. Kids of all ages absolutely love this place
and if you’re headed to the beach, you’ll find all that you need right here.
Heck, I’m pretty sure if you’re headed to Europe you’d find the necessities.
So let’s head on down to the beach…you won’t believe the beauty that awaits…

I wasn’t kidding – 

The beach below the cliffs is called Moshup’s Beach, named after a giant sachem who used to lead the tribe in days of old, of whom many myths are told. The ocean is a rare aqua color here with waves heights that are above average for the area.
Are you feeling the love yet?
This island is magical if you get away from the crowds.
Did I tell you this is our 25th Anniversary year?
It was nice to get away alone together to reflect on our relationship
and bring it back to just the two of us for a few days, no work hassles, 
no bills or phone calls or interruptions of any kind.
We got along wonderfully and relaxed like we hardly ever do. 
(although my calves are still aching from all the hiking.)
Have we had 25 perfect years?  Hell no. 
We are two of the most stubborn italians you’d ever come to know, 
and we’ve had our share of rocks along the shore. Some were big ones.
But we have managed to wade through the waters together
and have found a rythym, an ebb and flow that work.
Honeymoon – 1988
Still crazy after all these years…

Mending Fences

Dad came for dinner last night
and it was an evening filled with reminiscing, laughter
and casual conversation.  Comfortable conversation.
I agreed with his political rants this time…
because it makes no difference that I believe something completely different.
It matters more at this stage of the game that we had a polite discussion.
Frankly, he didn’t even notice my change of allegiance.
I listened to the old stories for the 100th time with eager and new enthusiasm.
Because someday he won’t be here to discuss them.
We are polar opposites in some ways,
and oh let me tell you how we clashed over the years.
No, on second thought, I’ll spare you.
And…  I’d be misleading you if I didn’t admit that on occasion
when I’m being particularly stubborn,
my husband has a tendency to call me “Lou”.
(in his older years, my father has become very patriotic. This flag is always on his car.)
In any event, regardless of the many years of discontent
and the struggle I had with this particular relationship,
I’m realizing, when it’s OVER, it’s OVER.
And we never do know when it’s going to be over,
so… I’m taking advice I was given years ago.
Make peace with the differences, forgive the slights,
let go of the residual hurt…and mend the fence.
Be the bigger person.
Do this FOR YOU.
And I think I’m accomplishing something here.
You know why?  It feels good.  It feels right.
I doubt I’ll regret it down the road.
If you find yourself in the same situation, do yourself a favor.
Mend the fence. 

It’s what’s for breakfast…

This morning was an eggs and bacon breakfast.
My family doesn’t agree on how they like their eggs cooked..
so I do a little juggling with the spatula.
Husband likes his scrambled with American cheese mixed in.
Don’t skimp on the ketchup.
I use applegates natural bacon, really good! and better for you
if you must do bacon.
Daughter loves the birds nest version
My son likes a bacon egg and cheese on a buttered hardroll
with chocolate milk on the side and a Gogurt for good measure.
This is their story and they’re not changing it, believe you me.
 We’ve got more rain today… Noah, build the Ark!


My Uncle.. who has served as my other father in my younger life,
turned 70 this week!
Some of the family came together yesterday to wish him well.
Birthday boy in the middle…
This guy has kicked Cancer and Parkinsons to the curb.  Tenacity is his middle name.
Nowadays you’ll find him on the golfcourse
or volunteering for SCORE living life.
His better half in the middle, with an old true friend on the left…
These two are the reason my first horse and I landed in Connecticut,
 and I will always be greatful for that very large door that they opened.
Connecticut cousins…
Feet are not on fire.. there is a fire PIT a few feet away.
Some of us….
and more of us….
My sister and brother-in-law
We’re twins, I know, we hear that all the time!!  🙂
My dear cousin, who is the closest I’ll ever have to a brother,
and a better brother you could not ask for.
He is the calm in the storm,
the level on the beam.
If he ever has a blow up, you just kinda have to laugh,
because it just ain’t him.  
my mother and my horse mother.
 Cousin J below on the left,  my almost – brother’s wife.
She would make a wicked bar tender…
although the bar OWNER might go broke.  🙂
Family… it’s all good.

Things Change

For the 25 years we’ve been married
Mike has always had a bike.
First it was a rice rocket. Yuck.
Then came the Harleys.. one after the other.
As a recreational rider,  he’d take the bike for a ride mostly during the summer,
and only every so often.  Sometimes with a friend or two,
sometimes with me on the back.
It made him feel a little free of all the responsibilities he carries with family and business.
I totally understand the need.
I used to enjoy tagging along on  a warm summer evening..
riding down by the water with the salt and wind in my hair
or winding down a country road where old barns still stand watch over green or plowed fields.
Something has changed though.
This year it doesn’t feel right.
We took a spin on Sunday night and the entire time,
I felt vulnerable.  Mike is a responsible rider and he’s got the experience
of all these years to keep us safe.
But you never know.  And I felt so exposed to that pavement and the other drivers.
Yes.. things change.  I just don’t think I’ll be riding behind him on that bike anymore.
Funny, last night he said this..
“You know, getting on the bike just isn’t so thrilling anymore.  I used to love it. Now it’s just
another form of transportation,  I might sell it”. 

*sigh of relief* 


Weekend Wonderful

Nothing like a rainy weekend spent at a horse show…
40-something degrees, cold rain and wind,
mud, mud and more mud.
We did have a lot of fun despite the weather.
Max has proved to be a real gentleman and a trooper in the show pen
and K is just loving the whole deal.
Well, maybe not the whole deal, it involves alot of work
and can be exhausting, but rewarding in just as many ways.
Below are iphone pics, didn’t want to bring my good camera
in the rain. 

There was lots of practice in the arena,
as the outdoor rings were nothing but mud.

This is what the skies looked like all weekend.

Traffic was heavy during practice time


Max loves apples.
Here he’s got his pajamas on after a long day in the show pen.

more practice..

blue skies peaking out as we packed up to go home.
That’s a yawn, I’m sure.

 I hope you’ve had a good weekend too..
and my thoughts are with those who have sacrificed for our Country today..
Home of the Free because of the Brave.