Tag: Family
Saturday Junk Hunting
Brought the manchild, but he was less than thrilled
As we were leaving Victorias Station bakery and cafe, I noticed half the town had their pink boxes in hand.
Ben & Rudy’s Excellent Adventure
I’m willing to bet….
My buddy Ben and Ipad App coolness.
Danes are just a different level of dog all together, I’m convinced. They really do think they are exactly whatever we are… (that would be human)… and should live accordingly. Ben will sit on the couch just as we do, he would just as soon eat at the table right next to us. Maybe it’s because they are so big…. The expressions on a Dane’s face are remarkable. You can tell when he’s worried.. when he’s afraid, when he’s curious, when he is SOOO happy to see you – his whole forhead scrunches up and ears pin back and he SMILES, I tell ya. And when you hurt his feelings?….oh, the wounded look. He doesn’t like having his picture taken and if you are trying, he will do his best to STAY, but he’s not really cooperating.
And my no-makeup on a Sunday evening look,
because who am I trying to fool anyway
I don’t do Twitter. Am I the only one who thinks it’s a little narcissistic and silly?
No offense if YOU do Twitter, I’m just sayin.
So back to Words. You also don’t have to spend a lot of time doing it…
Ivy and the Two Moons
Great news tonight… a Rescue group out of Middletown, CT is pulling Ivy from the kill shelter and bringing her to a foster home in Vermont. She will still need a forever home, but now she will know the nurturing of a home environment and the love of a family. This is an example of when networking on the internet does some fantastic work.
Family and Food
Every year at about this time we pile into the car and trek over to the Yankee Candle Flagship store in Mass. to stock up on candles and eat lunch at Chandlers restaurant nextdoor (oh, the smell of sizzling steaks, apple brown betty and those creamy rootbeer floats!) . My kids used to love it. Used to. This year? Not so much. Grown up girl was plugged into her ipod and cell phone from the time we entered the Jeep, and Rising son plugged himself into his ipad and headphones alongside her. Mike and I shrugged and sang old rock tunes with reckless abandon since no one in the back seat could hear us. (I think we did Aerosmith proud with Dude Looks Like A Lady)
Once we got there, the kids untangled themselves from their electronics long enough to trek through the stores begrudgingly, sniffing new candle fragrances to appease mom for about two minutes and 37 seconds. I counted. We trudged through the snow village where younger kids stared wide-eyed in awe of the falling fake snow and train that choo-chood through the mountain tunnels below the ceilings. We browsed the homegoods section where they perked up considerably because that’s where the check-out lines were. And we were out the door in 40 minutes flat. It takes an hour and 15 to get there, for cripes sake.
A couple next to us saw me trying to coax my son to “Smell this! It’s a new christmas scent!” to which he replied in a bored monitone voice accompanied by a heavy, heavy sigh…”No mom, they just renamed it so you’ll think it’s new and buy it”. The couple glanced at me with a commiserating grin and said “we left ours home this time”.
A milestone
I picked up college girl and all her dorm stuff yesterday… for the last time! Because… she is officially graduating… with honors. How very proud I am of this young woman. I’m going to take a moment to brag – because this girl of mine had to climb Mount Everest to get to where she is today. Not only did she climb, she planted her Victory flag at the top and is looking to the next horizon.