Tag: Family
Have Mercy

The best use for that Keeping Room
…is keeping family together.
Now that my kids are growing up, (my BABY is FOURTEEN!?!) the moments I cherish are when we’re all together and they’re actually enjoying time spent in our presence.
Scene from a typical day:
You’re such a jerk!
MOM, do you SEE what he’s DOING to me??
You ALWAYS take her side.
heavy sigh, big eye roll, stomp and slamming of door…
OMG I can’t WAIT till you move out of the house
Where’s my phone, YOU took it!!.. WHERE DID YOU PUT IT??
You’re such a jerk!
Last night with grandmothers over for dinner, good food and gameboards, there was harmony in the house and laughter filled the air.
For about five minutes, but I’ll take it.
These are the times to remember….
He’s All That
We don’t always see eye to eye, and sometimes our taste in things couldn’t be farther apart on the spectrum. One of us is a natural navigator, one of us can’t find his way out of a wet paper bag. He’s super organized and I’m… well… not.
It takes just three letters to form one of the most significant words in life. I’ve owned that name proudly for 21 years. It’s a badge of honor, a demanding job title, a responsibility beyond any other, a source of great joy with a potential for great sorrow. I had no idea what it would mean before that very first moment when the nurses handed my tiny little baby girl over and we walked out the door of Yale New Haven Hospital into “real life”. I remember thinking… you mean, I’m responsible for the safety and well-being of this tiny little person,…. all by myself? …..with no one to check to see if I’m doing it right??. And don’t look at Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome over there because he will pass out if he comes within three yards of a dirty diaper. Have you ever seen those fainting goats? I’m not kidding.
There’s nothing I’de rather be doing, mothering these two. I consider myself lucky every day. I’de say they’re turning out pretty good …so I must be doing something right after all.
As for my mother, there were surely times during my teen years that she questioned her sanity and mine, but I can say now that she is a best friend and one of my most ardent supporters. What would I do without her? I don’t want to know any time soon. Thanks, Mom