No really – lots to cover, go get one. And a donut – trust me on this. side note: I just found out the Redneck Donut Truck (actual name) up the road a piece is packing up after today to move back to their homeland four towns over – this is terrible news, and it’s very good news, depending on whether you talk to my mind or my “matter” . Their canoli donut was thebestpieceofdonut I have ever had, ever.
First let me say, if you were in on the religion conversation post, thank you so much for your thought provoking and respectful answers – I so enjoyed reading your take on the subject. And that’s all I’m gonna say about that.
I’m not a dyed in the wool Royal Watcher although I’ve read the headlines over the years, seen the stories, watched news coverage of the weddings, the funerals, the scandals even. I watched along with everyone else in horror as Diana’s world unraveled and ended really badly and far too soon. Who doesn’t admire how those two boys have persevered in the glare of the royal spotlight over the years, carrying out their born duties with some grace and class, and fun! Harry underlined here. Harry is my favorite and he and his bride were humanitarians before they met each other – imagine the dynamic team they will be. Watching the royal wedding today, you’d have to be dead not to notice the radiance and genuine smiles shared between he and Meghan M. I loved her choice of simple yet elegant gown and veil, and the personal and refreshing twists they bestowed on the wedding ceremony itself. Truly they are a breath of fresh air, bringing the Royal Family into a more modern light. Surprisingly I had tears in my eyes as I watched this morning, and I’m no sap.

So… this guy showed up on our side porch the other day… a gift from a dear friend just because, a fellow blogger who shares my birthday! It was evident right away that Henry was not made for farm life, so I brought him down to Stella by the Sea to see if that environment suited him better.
Aaaah, MUCH better.
While we’re here, let me show you the new furniture reveal. The couch and chair are of rugged material a summer cottage demands, in soothing shore colors that say Relax! Summer! The Mr. and I moved furniture around yesterday because last year it felt like we just jammed stuff in there in our big rush to enjoy our first “cottage life” season. So the little space felt.. rushed.
The table and chairs are now centered in the room, not pressed against the windows…
The rug that was in that floor space all by itself is now in the kitchen work area…
My $100. “Edith” chair now in the “living room” area instead of squished in a corner of the bedroom where it got no use. (the table and chairs used to be in that back corner to the left of the Mr. ) We do have to relocate the little chandelier now that there’s no table under it.
The new recliner and couch with a sturdy whitewashed bench type table for putting feet up or resting drinks, etc. on.
Let’s head outside… An Awesome quality about cottage life – small spaces are easy to clean – and mow! Garden management is minimal. My new perennials are happy and growing… they like all this rain we’ve been getting.
The robins on the back porch – initial there were four eggs in the nest.
Then it looked like this just four days ago… and I thought there were only two…
Now they look like this… and there are very definitely three. Absolutely amazing, the speed of the development of birds from egg to fledgling.
I’ve also put a few galvanized pots of flowers on the stone steps down to the water.
Believe it or not, this type of super petunia is happy in that environment –
wind of the water, rain and all.
And meanwhile, back at the ranch… we’ve got another cold, rainy day in store. This is my current view out the kitchen sliders. There is a little tiny nest in the shrub at bottom right…
Inside that shrub is a perfect little nest with four tiny tiny eggs.
This is momma or dad. A song sparrow perhaps?
Waiting anxiously for me to leave the area.
My rescue friends are holding an adoption event this weekend for shelter dogs in neighboring Durham, CT at the fairgrounds – 30 of the 60 dogs in attendance got homes in the first three hours, just amazing. This is no easy feat – The dogs from down south are most often pulled from kill shelters or taken from abusive situation or strays that have been caught. Then they are spayed, neutered and fully vetted and housed with fosters or with the rescues directly and evaluated for temperment and training. Applications are taken and references are called and interviews conducted before any of the dogs are allowed to go home with their new families – It’s quite an operation, takes many many volunteers. We’ve been doing this for about 9 years now, and it’s heartbreaking and extremely rewarding at the same time.
Yesterday I stopped in to drop off food for volunteers and help unload the dogs that had just arrived. This little guy, whom my friend Lillian calls a squirrel, would have come home with me if I didn’t have four already. He and his litter mates were so darn cute, hard to believe they were dumped. Those ears!!…
If you’re local and want more information, visit
Whew! are you still with me? We covered a lot of ground today –
Time to spend a little quality time with the Mr.
Got to stay in good standing in case I want to
bring another “squirrel” home some day.
Till soon, friends –