I think I got it from my grandmother Elsie… the deep affection for a good hot dog. The flames were fanned by the fact that the best hot dogs in the world were located in the state of my origin. If you’ve never had one, put it on your bucket list…. a NYC hot dog, straight from the vendors cart. Never mind that the water those dogs are boiling in looks like they got it straight out of the harbor – those dogs are awesome.
Oh, I know they’re pretty much made out of crap, but there are regulations afterall…
According to an article by Peggy Trowbridge Filippone of About.com, Frankfurter content is regulated by law in the United States. Traditional hot dogs are made of beef, pork, veal, chicken or turkey. They are available with or without skins and may contain up to 30 percent fat and 10 percent added water. For vegetarians, there are tofu hot dogs. (ick. That’s not a dog)
Hot Dog Terms Regulated by Law
• Beef or all-beef: Contains only beef with no soybean protein or dry milk solid fillers added.
• Kosher: All-beef, usually heavily seasoned with garlic.
• Meat: A mixture of pork and beef, usually 40 percent pork and 60 percent beef with no fillers.
• Frankfurter: May contain up to 3.5 percent fillers and made from a combination of meats.
Hot Dog Style Glossary
• Chicago dogs: Yellow mustard, dark green relish, chopped raw onions, tomato slices, celery salt and a poppy seed bun.
• Kansas City dogs: Sauerkraut and melted Swiss cheese on a sesame seed bun.
• New York City dogs: Steamed saurkraut, onions and pale yellow mustard sauce. See second photo.
• Coney Island dogs: Topped with a spicy meat mixture.
• Southern slaw dogs: Served with coleslaw on top.
• Corn dogs: Placed on a stick, dipped in corn bread batter, and deep-fried.
• Tex-Mex dogs: Topped with salsa, Monterey Jack cheese, and chopped jalapenos.
• Pigs in a Blanket: Wrapped in pastry and baked.
• Baltimore Frizzled: Split and deep-fried. ( I didn’t find a good picture of that)
What ticks me off is, my blood pressure has been on the rise (what? am I that old?? No!!!)…and someone told me a variety of stupid symptoms I’ve put up with over the years may have to do with a gluten allergy. So I’m trying to get sodium and glutens out of my diet. Guess what’s the number one offender… GASP….
My beloved hotdog.
That’s just ticking me off…. It’s the little things, you know.
You’re craving a hot dog right now, aren’t ya?