Random Thoughts on a Wednesday morning

 I’m full of them today… are you ready?

  I’d really love a magnolia tree to plant in the yard as a mothers day gift.  Do you think the family will read my post? 

   Do you know, the least likely people to read your posts if you blog, will be your family?  My mom is a writer, a reader, a supportive mother, and a computer user.  Other people in town tell her the latest recipes and stories and pictures of family I’ve posted on the blog.  My husband walks into the local breakfast place and a favorite resident of mine will tease him about the latest silliness. And yes, silliness lives here.   That same favorite resident friend also knows more about my family than an Uncle whose family I lived with for four years when I was young.  Perhaps it’s redundant… after all, they already know you, right

  I’m maybe a little bit horrified that the jury in the Jodi Ar*as trial is still deliberating.  Really?  Do they really need three days (so far!)  to figure this one out?  It’s kinda cut and dried information they were given, no?  Actually… stabbed!..27 times, slashed throat, then bullet to the head…and left to ferment in a shower stall naked for five days…  that kind of cut and dried.  If they come back with anything like a hung jury, a mistrial, an aquital… our system is shot and millions of dollars have just been wasted on this waste of a human being.  She’s selling T-shirts and artwork and tweeting online… that’s disgusting, after what she’s done.  How is this allowed?

this is her MUG SHOT… seriously?

  Amazing and also horrifying, the story of three woman and a child held captive and God knows what else for 10 years, all living within two miles of where they were abducted.  By three brothers.  That means three brothers all agreed that this was an acceptable thing to do to these women and the child.  And they did it for ten years.  TEN… YEARS…. of those young lives, spent locked in a basement and God knows what else.    Long road to recovery for them, so glad they made it out alive.

   I just noticed I’m starting to sound like Nancy Grace 🙂

 The Monsanto Protection Act – Anonymously added to a recent budget bill, the controversial rider would protect U.S. biotech companies from litigation if their GMO seeds turn out to be dangerous. GMO means Genetically Modified Organisms.  GMOs are created by Monsanto and other biotech firms. While there’s no hard evidence that GMOs can harm humans, some worry about undiscovered health risks and the possibility of manmade genes spreading to wild plants, potentially wreaking ecological havoc.  

  That’s bull.  If you’re gonna mess with the food supply, you better take responsibility and be held accountable.  Producing GMO’s is a huge money maker… that shouldn’t have anything to do with jeapardizing your health, and yet it always does. 

  Here’s a link if you’re interested in reading about the bill on the table to label our foods GMO if they contain genetically modified ingredients.  It also explains why some are opposed.  MONEY has everything to do with it, not your health.


  I want my food labeled, I don’t think that’s too much to ask.  At the very least, I should be able to make my own decision on whether I want my family to ingest GMOs.  It is believed by many that so many people are now having trouble ingesting wheat (you are probably aware of the Gluten-Free issue.. not only for celiacs but others who are finding they feel a heck of a lot better when they don’t ingest things that contain Gluten).  WHEAT… (gluten) is a big GMO crop. Modified to be more disease resistant and grow faster, heartier.  Perhaps that is why the wheat of years ago, before GMO, was a main stable and not the serious allergen that it appears to be today.

 It’s gonna rain today, I’m doing a happy dance.  I can’t tell you how very dry everything is here at This Old House.  Bring it!

   After the horses and chickens are fed and let out and barn is mucked and gardens are watered and laundry is switched and folded and put away and the dishes that piled up in the sink after this morning’s breakfast are cleaned and stacked,  I’ll be working on my found treasure – that old dollhouse I told you about.  Why do I feel guilty about that, I ask you?

  It’s a new day, all – make it a good one!