*the K list is my lazy way of finding a post title for a real rambler. Here goes… grab a cup of coffee or tea if you’re willing to get through this whole post.
So.. when we bought Stella by the sea, we initially thought renting it out for a few weeks of the summer would be a grand idea because owning a second home, even a little one such as Stella… costs money. We weren’t keen on the idea of renting to strangers, but perhaps just people we know, or people who know the people we know.
Our first “guests” came to stay for just three days. We didn’t know them, but we knew their relatives and they are indeed a decent crew. Good way for us to test the waters, right?
The three days went by and the following day I returned to Stella to clean up. By “cleaning up” I mean.. I assumed… washing sheets and towels. Vacuuming and dusting and disinfecting bathroom just because “guests”.
What I found was a little different. There was leftover food left out and open on the counter. Empty drink bottles too. We have a white curtain on the inside of the bathroom door, which is an old glass pane door, so the curtain is needed for privacy. That curtain was filthy from little boy hands with dirt.. and blood. Bandaid wrappers also strewn. Thankful the cut wasn’t too big, apparently. One bed was left without being stripped, the other bed stripped and sheets left on our little Edith Chair with wet towels. On the chair. Wet. There were crumbs left on the kitchen table and the kitchen sink was filthy with some dishes left there too…
A lovely thank you l note was left in the guest book saying it was obvious we had put a lot of thought and time and creativity into resurrecting Stella, thank you for letting us stay. .
We won’t be doing that again. I don’t think the “guests” intended any disrespect at all, to be clear. I think they are just a little oblivious, perhaps due to their affluence or the way they were brought up. Someone else will take care of this. I’ll leave it for the service.
While my husband dismissed it as “the typical way people leave hotel rooms”… I don’t really think so. That’s beside the fact that our little cottage is not a hotel, not even a true rental property. When we stay in a hotel, before we leave, I put the wet towels in the bathtub or a neat pile on the bathroom tile floor. I make sure we have not left any garbage strewn about, including drink bottles, crumbs from snacks, papers, etc. My mother really didn’t have to teach me these things…. it’s just common courtesy. She probably did teach me that, common courtesy. People who work service jobs such as waitresses and waiters, bus boys, maid service in hotels, for example…. they deserve the respect of any other person – their job is thankless, truly.

Now that I got that off my chest… the stress that pounds my body when I take in the daily news has crescendoed and I am taking a hiatus from it.. just a peek here and there at the headlines instead of devouring it and trying to make sense of the nonsense. The world is going to have to sort this all out and I am just going to hope for the best.
We continue to enjoy Stella in between work hours and farm responsibilities. Most days I load Frasier and Sally into the car, we ride past farms and stop at the stands along the commute, grabbing some summer sweet corn, with tomatoes and cucumber salad from the home garden. We walk the little island roads down by the sea, and prepare a meal for whomever shows up after work at the end of the day. Occasionally we go for a swim when the tide is high. There is a long list of people we would like to host for a relaxing evening and seaside supper… That will take some time.
My nephews as we celebrated a birthday…
My son and I are the most avid swimmers…
To give you an idea of the difference in water level at low and high tide…
This is high tide. My son is standing, I’m floating.
At low tide, the water is at our knees in the same spot.
We don’t stay overnight just yet … often leaving in the peak sunset hour…. too many animals at home depend on us for their evening meal and tucking in. Someday when we have fewer animals to care for, we’ll spend summers living in the cottage. For now we’re very content to commute.
Meanwhile, back home… another farm market in the books – and it was a good one.
I bought this apron, it’s now hanging in my kitchen. One of our vendors makes aprons out of vintage feed and flour sacks among other things – I love them!
Mom and my Aunt, her sister. While the circumstances behind my aunt’s relocation are very sad ( her husband recently passed) , I love that they live next door to each other now and get to spend quality time together. If there is a heaven, my grandmother Elsie is smiling big.
Not only does my family support my farm market efforts by attending market and buying from local farmers and artisans… mom treated me to this recycled dress by one of my favorite vendors. Marylynne of BH Upcycle Designs uses old sweaters, t-shirts, sweatshirts to make new pieces of clothing like skirts, dresses, shirts, etc. This is one of those..

Speaking of Markets.. our September market will include an installment of The Kindness Rocks Project.. have you heard of it? I believe it’s happening in areas all over the country – but it’s in full swing for sure on our shoreline. People are painting rocks with words of inspiration or kindness and pretty designs and placing them in random spots where others will find them. They are showing up in places like post office drop boxes, town hall steps, benches in parks, on hiking trails, in doorways to shops, etc… My market partner, Linda, and I will host a rock party at the market – I’ve gathered smooth rocks from Stellas waterfront and painted them an undercoat. We’ll provide the paints and brushes for whomever wants to show up and create their own “kindness” and place it somewhere in the world for another to find. It’s the little ripples that fan out into the sea, creating change, right? Rock on..
These are a few that I have already sent out …. message on back, design on front.
These were found on the ‘net –
Great idea, no? Something positive anyone can do –
I’ll end this post with a few shots of my beloved coneflowers –
they are so happy this year – must be all the rain and humidity. – bleh.
Whew, that was a long one. Are you still with me? It’s a new day, all. Let’s not look at the newsfeeds. Not once. Maybe for a few days even. I need to stay put this morning and catch up on cleaning duties here at the homestead – This post is clearly a procrastination effort. I’m particularly good at that.
Till soon, friends –