Fresh Air

       While it’s still definitely winter ’round these parts, and I’m about to trudge out into my “morning commute” in hat gloves, two jackets and boots to prove it,  I’ve been freshening things up inside Gracie (this old house). I asked my mom yesterday whether it was too soon to put out the Spring Things – and she said “no, I’ve put away winter already, it gets old, dull”.  
       So I did just that – and  then drove to the nearest crafts store – which is Joann’s Fabrics.  Their Spring Things are already 40-50 percent off, so I decided to make a few wreaths for the front double door, and I scored a few ready-made wreaths for my mom and I, too.  (Because MOMs… you only get one, and mine is my very best friend).  

 I’ll share the finished product when done. 
My ready-wreath find… 
 Last week we repainted the bedroom –  it used to be a celery green.
Now, what Benjamin Moore calls Cake Batter, a soft buttery off white. 
I replaced the bedding too – going for a very neutral look
Belgian Flax Linens – a combo from Pottery Barn and Pine Cone Hill
The lamps replaced a few we’ve had for many years,
now living in the dining room.
Hard to see in this photo, but they are glass wrapped in a light
 black chicken wire.  Inexpensive finds at HomeGoods, 
and I love them. 
The drapes – Restoration Hardware – also belgian linen, lined, 
Keep heat in and cold out,  but they
do let some light in, which is what I was looking for. 
They are an investment, I usually go with cheap curtains,
but they’ll last if cared for properly. 
 Frasier approves. 
 The painting above the bed I found last week browsing a nearby antiques mall. 
It is an original painting by  Robert C. Benham…
a New England artist in the early to mid 1900’s. 
His paintings usually go for around $300-$400 if you find one,
and this was leaning against other stuff on the floor, dirty, with a chippy frame.
I love chippy frames – and the grime comes off with a good
careful  wiping down… 
So I offered $170, and the offer was accepted. 
These bits of paper are taped on the back. 
The painting depicts
“Trail to Burnt Head”  – which is located in Maine. 
      So, while Gracie is sporting a little Spring Bling inside… outside is quite a different story…  The view out my kitchen sliders below…. 
        And if you peer out my kitchen sink window,  my favorite doves are giving me that look –  “What’s wrong with this picture, Karen.  Seed’s awful low”. 
Notice the maple syrup collecting bag and buckets are empty right now… in order for sap to run, we must have cold temps over night, warming up during the day. If  temps remain cold, the sap remains dormant. 

So up to the barn I go, to tend these family members…
Coady is sporting new shoes –  his soft ride gel boots, which
help him  be more comfortable with a condition he’s had for years –
 Cushings Disease with a side of laminitis flare up caused by it. 

   The girls hunting for tidbits in a fresh little hay pile. 

 Just one more thing… 
Have you seen the movie – A Star is Born – with Bradley Cooper and Lada Gaga yet? If not, you must –  WOW, do they have chemistry and talent.  And I’ll warn you – it is indeed a tear jerker.  When she first made the scene, I didn’t like her.  Meat dresses?  Condom costumes?  But.. as she grew into who we came to know, she is truly a decent, caring, honest soul, a real talent on multiple levels.  She’s a song writer, a singer, a philanthropist, she’s an encourager, not a breaker-down. (those are real words here anyway…lol).  
Wishing you all a good day – 
and thank you for stopping by 

Here and There

 Well, darn it, winter is still being wintery ’round here, go figure… We got more snow yesterday and temps were in the teens this morning… just a few inches of the white stuff. 
 Sadie the hen took two steps outside, took a good luck around, said Oh, Hell No…. and strutted right back inside the hen house where the cozy coop heater is keeping the flock warm.  Star, peering out from behind her, took the hint and jumped back up on the roost without placing a mere toe in the snow. 
   That’s kinda what I’ve been doing every time I attempt to catch a little of the news. Try as I may,  I can’t ignore the twilight zone that currently occupies the White House.  It’s like trying to look away from a bad accident, you’re just compelled to look back upon it as if you’re not convinced this is really what it appears to be.    Wow, by absolutely anyone’s standards, I don’t care who you are or on what side of the proverbial isle you stand, or if you stand in the middle of the isle, outside in the hall, up in the attic, down in the basement or way out in the backyard with your head in the sand… this is all so bizarre.
    I’ve been playing with my new camera lens and eventually got a few moon shots I’m pretty happy with… one was an evening shot without a tripod so there is blur from the slight motion of holding up a camera with a really big lens…  
 And a few days later – this morning at 7 a.m.,   a moonset over the hill behind the barn…  The tripod makes a huge difference when you’re trying to capture clarity… see the craters below?  Amazing when you think of the distance between me and that moon,  what a camera can do?  
    Meanwhile, down at Stella by the sea, another photographer who catches some beautiful landscape shots on the shoreline took this awesome photo in our cove… that’s one hardy clammer right there at very low tide.  
        Speaking of the cottage and cove – On one particularly cold afternoon I made this sea glass tree to hang on the wall down at the cottage. It was surprisingly easy to put together, the simple materials not expensive at all,  and I love  sea glass displayed in a way you can see all the pieces.  When the natural light hits this piece, the  sea.and.salt  tumbled glass looks beautiful.  If you’ve got sea glass you’d like to create something with, Pinterest, that great time suck, has tons of ideas. 
           It’s superbowl time! Do you have a favorite?  I’m a Patriots fan.. they have many many fans, and just as many haters, funny thing.  I had a football boyfriend in HS and our team back in the day was incredible – our senior year was a shut out season and in a burrough of NY, there’s a lot of talent.  Currently one of our schoolmates has just been taken on by the Giants as a defensive coach.   I went to every single game wearing one of  the BF’s ratty old jerseys, cheering like no one’s business in the stands with my friends.  It’s how I came to truly understand and love the game itself, except for the violence in those tackles.  Yes I know, there isn’t one without the other, truth. 
     Here’s a recipe I’m making tomorrow, it’s always a hit and great superbowl fare if you’re serving it up.  Easy to put together too, we can all use some -easy-, no? 
Pillsbury Antipasto Squares… recipe HERE. 
 Go Pats!  Let’s hope the commercials are not political and just plain fun or inspirational. We could all use a little of that… 
  Have a good weekend, all – 

It’s a beautiful thing

   So.. some happy news here to start off.  My daughter had to put her much loved rescued cat down last week after Phoebe had developed a rapidly growing mouth cancer.  While she is still grieving the loss and wasn’t looking to replace her,  a friend’s relative was in a tough spot with housing and school schedule and needed to find a home for her also much loved dog.  They asked if Kristen might be interested in adopting, as he was a very friendly dog who was used to apartment living and might be a great fit for K.   My advice was  that while she was still hurting over her loss and this was not intended to be a replacement for Phoebe, she should at least go meet the little guy in case there was a strong connection.  K loves to be a care giver to her animals and I knew she would miss having a critter at her feet to love on. 
    So, they met… and  just look at this precious face.  Needless to say it was love at first sight, and they are living together very happily as I type.  Rex is thrilled to be getting attention and regular walks, etc.. from not one, but two people – K’s BF loves him too…. and he’s even sleeping on their bed at night.  
 The BF, “D” is a big Star Wars fan.. and he sent me this… .. Our Dog, the Ewok. 
We had company here at the farm the other night and a visit with Florida cousins… family and friends we don’t see often.  
This picture is with my MIL, still a beautiful woman in her mid 70’s – 
 Our Florida Peeps… 
 Best Friend Cousins here since the very beginning…
We all smothered Baby A with cuddles.  Oh, those precious little toes… 

The cousins went out on a double date adventure… 

Wishing this new little family the very best. 
 Great to visit with them 💖

In between visits and work chores, etc etc… I’ve made my first ever peach blueberry jam, and I gotta tell ya, it is DELICIOUS.  So simple too, except also a lot of work preparing the peaches… the peaches are fresh off our tree in the yard.  The Ingredients are simple – many many peaches, blanched and chopped, blueberries, Sugar, Pectin, lemon juice.  All cooked together and put in sterilized jars, then processed again in boiling water for ten minutes.  I am loving that combination.  Are you a canner or do you love jam? What’s your favorite combination?  I’d give you my recipe but I really did just wing it. 
   We’ve had some beautiful summer days, and have been taking full advantage of Stella being so close by.  After work or farm chores or whatever is on each of our agendas, we head down there for an evening swim and dinner on the deck frequently.  The kids often drop in after work, too.  Mom is staying down there for a week right now and will have some friends join her as well.  
    If you’re contemplating a second home, a little getaway somewhere for respite, I highly recommend finding something not far away, believe it or not.  I’m finding we get much more use out of it because we can get there and back quickly.   It’s also easy to include friends/family as they are also nearby.  For us, anyway, that works. 

  Thanks so much for stopping by.  It’s a new day, all – let’s make it a good one. 

Another installment of the K List

  .. .meaning this that, and the other too. 
   Little Miss Olivia Penny Sally Maddie Scout is doing just fine.  Even though I had her name tag engraved OLIVIA… I’m not feeling it.   I  also gave her too much credit for being potty trained so soon in life- silly me.  Now that she’s comfortable here… yeah.   So.. the REAL potty training is in full force.  The great news is she sleeps through the night without having to go out – and without messing in her crate.  Bonus!   I do believe in crate training, it’s not cruel, it’s not dangerous, and it’s not to be abused or it can be all of the above.  I only use the crate for over night and when I have to get busy somewhere else and need her to be safe and not in a potty zone. For the most part she has the run of the house with the other dogs. 
The dogs are getting use to her – here they are under my desk in the little bed a bought for her because she likes to hang out there when I’m working… they kicked her out and took over, but at least their butts are allowed to touch.  Progress! 

   I saw something beautiful on pinterest or facebook… a sea glass artist who makes beautiful creations from sea glass, shells, sand and windows.   Mine is much more simple but I love it regardless.   I bought an old window at a junk shop for $5, took some of my  shell and sea glass collection and scored a big vase full from a friend,  and in two hours time put this together and will hang it in my dining room window as soon as the husband has time to help. It’s heavy and I don’t want to risk not securing it well enough.  Better to be able to blame him if it falls (kidding!!  but not really!!).  This is a super inexpensive craft you can do – cost me $16. total – and what a gorgeous accent to anyone’s home.  
      As I’ve said before, I’ve been trying not to delve into the political state of things lately, but some things can’t be ignored.  I have a good friend who is a decent man, an intelligent man… who loves all things Tr*mp.  How those two realities co-exist is beyond my comprehension.   He believes all negative news is fake news and repeatedly tries to defend him no matter what the obvious offense.  It astounds me, how anyone can love him.  LOVE him, not just tolerate him because -agenda-.   He thinks the government deserves what they’re getting from Tr*mp and to be honest?  The government and the media had lessons to learn.  They’re learning alright.  But to who’s expense.  Ours, in my opinion.  This is the leader of the free world, supposedly.  This isn’t just a lesson.   My friend has said over and over again there are absolutely no truths to any of the inklings that the Tr*mp team and Russ*a had any collusion whatsoever regarding our election.   While this will not get him arrested… it is the tip of the iceberg.  It is.. truth.  Is it illegal?   I guess not.  But the son of the President was willing to work with the Russ*ans, felt comfortable doing so… do undermine our election.  That’s enough sleeze for me.  If you’re a Tr*mp supporter and you’re reading this.. you would be SCREAMING if it were Chelsea Cl*nton.    First… lets stop all the hypocrisy.  
     One thing I’m pretty confident is the truth….  Tr*mp is a master manipulator.  He knew how to play what would be his base by using the distrust and fedup attitude of many towards our government.  The downside to that is, he got in and I don’t think he every really believed he would.  His own good friend, Howard St(rn said he had hoped his friend wouldn’t win the election because he didn’t think he really wanted the job.  He was too thin skinned for what would come with it, he would miss is old life, his mental health would be in serious jeopardy.  NO  KIDDING. 
 45 himself said he misses his old life.   So.. what are we getting?  A bitter, self-absorbed bully narcissist who’s missing his old life and saying FU to whatever and whomever isn’t riding along on his magic carpet with high praise for his majesty.    The POTUS works for us, we don’t work for him. He’s forgetting that very important aspect.  If he were a corporate exec, he’d be fired by now with all that hideous twittering and false facts.  
   We the People deserve so much more.  The world stage demands so much more.  What damage will be done…   and oh how I hope I’m wrong about all of it. 

Some Artistic Inspiration / Notes from the Swamp

    I love sea glass and have a large vase full of it – pieces collected over the years by myself, my mom and friends.  While browsing pinterest a few days ago I saw sea glass art by various artists and loved the simplicity and beauty of a few of the pieces. I gathered some of my best blue hues and bought an inexpensive frame and some Gorilla Glue at Michaels Crafts – within a half hour I had a little sea glass treasure I will hang somewhere in the cottage. 

This is another find I will put together to hang over one of the windows, perhaps during the next snow storm. I don’t browse pinterest or etsy often but when I do I’m always amazed –  lots of inspiration can be found there, so many talented people.  Note: Copying an artists ideas isn’t something you should do if you have any intention of selling what you create.  It’s done all the time but not cool when the artist is trying to make a living at what they do. 

  News from the Swamp:

The orange scream is breaking from 11 presidents worth of tradition by firing Charles Brotman, who has announced every inauguration parade since Eisenhower in 1957.   The 89 year old, who is still very capable of doing his job,  received an e-mail stating his services were no longer needed. Needless to say, he’s pretty heartbroken. 

-What an assh*le.  That’s not even a political move. That’s just an assh*le move. 

I’m not a big fan of Hollywood in general but I do love a good movie and a talented actor/actress.  Meryl Streep is one of my favorites and I just loved what she had to say at the awards show the other night. For the Orange Scream to call her an “overrated actress” is just the icing on his daily twitter ridiculousness.   Bravo, Meryl.  And Bravo Anne Donahue, whoever you are. 

The Orange Scream now denies he mocked a disabled reporter – sorry, dude. It’s out there for the world to see, there’s no misunderstanding here.  Click on link if you need a refresher.  That’s just disgusting in anyones opinion, I sure hope.

AND… In case you missed it, here’s the federal week in review:

1. Trump  fires all Ambassadors and Special Envoys, ordering them out by inauguration day.

2. House brings back the Holman rule allowing them to reduce an individual civil service, SES positions, or political appointee’s salary to $1, effectively firing them by amendment to any piece of legislation. We now know why they wanted names and positions of people in Energy and State.

3. Senate schedules 6 simultaneous hearings on cabinet nominees and triple-books those hearings with Trump’s first press conference in months and an ACA budget vote, effectively preventing any concentrated coverage or protest.

4. House GOP expressly forbids the Congressional Budget Office from reporting or tracking ANY costs related to the repeal of the ACA.

5. Trump continues to throw the intelligence community under the bus to protect Putin, despite the growing mountain of evidence that the Russians deliberately interfered in our election.

6. Trump breaks a central campaign promise to make Mexico pay for the wall by asking Congress (in other words, us, the taxpayers) to pay for it.

7. Trump threatens Toyota over a new plant that was never coming to the US nor will take jobs out of the US.

8. House passes the REINS act, giving them veto power over any rules enacted by any federal agency or department–for example, FDA or EPA bans a drug or pesticide, Congress can overrule based on lobbyists not science. Don’t like that endangered species designation, Congress kills it.

  Because from what I have seen within my own social group, most Trump supporters will not have read this far, too offended.  If you did manage to get to this point in my post, what is it about this that you are able to dismiss?  Why are these things ok by you?  

Please, all – Wake up to what is actually happening to our beloved country. I’m not telling you to give up your beliefs – conservative, moderate, go left, go right, go high – but whatever you do, please don’t go low.  Get involved  in ways that are comfortable to you – support causes that you feel strongly about, attending rallies and protests if that’s your thing. Please don’t sit and do nothing.  Decency above all.  It matters.  

– Just… sayin. 

The Shell Seeker

   I’ve always been a shell seeker – spending more time looking down at the ground than up at the beautiful scenery whenever I’m at waters edge.  I keep telling myself to LOOK UP! ..but my attention is inevitably drawn back  down to the pebbles, shells and infrequent seaglass washed in with the tides.

  While on the Vineyard, Mike and I took early morning walks down and around Edgartown light and beach, almost empty except for dog walkers at the beginning of each day.  I waded into the water and looked down in search of pretty shells – my favorite part of the day, honestly.


  I notcied the shells had such pretty color patterns when in the water but when dried you almost couldn’t detect their unique designs.   When we returned home I went to a Michaels Crafts store and bought a display frame on sale.. and some clear spray varnish as well as crazy glue …




 When I look at this display hanging in the hallway I am reminded of those peaceful mornings, the water smooth as glass,  the guy and I just being quiet, taking it all in, relaxing.  Rare, that. 


 Blogger Hilary of Crazy as a Loom is what I call a real “Do-er”.   Generous heart, energized spirit, always in motion, creating, caring, DOING.  Ever in need of having something in her hands to work on, she introduced her readers to an art form she has just picked up as a way to wind down and relax, take her mind out of the moment, and I thought I’d give it a go.  Her post about it  HERE

What IS Zentangle? (I had no idea)

 “The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Almost
anyone can use it to create beautiful images. It increases focus and
creativity, provides artistic satisfaction along with an increased sense
of personal well being. The Zentangle Method is enjoyed all over this
world across a wide range of skills, interests and ages.”

The best part is.. you don’t need many tools to do this.  I bought a watercolor pad and Pigment liner pens at Staples for less than $30.

Some Examples found on the WWW.  These are clearly some very talented artists…

You don’t have to be quite so talented to create your own art
and reap the benefits of this relaxation exercise –
simple shapes placed  ramdonly, as shown below – with rules or boundaries
just do it and see what you put together.


My first attempt below… I prefer to work with an outline of something..

Ben Zen

Finding your Bliss

I finished the old red barn painting recently
and while my work will never grace the great galleries,
I am loving the process…. and isn’t that the point?

When I was young and picked up a brush, I was so self conscious
about  the mistakes I was making and the lack of quality in what I was putting on the
canvas compared to the true artists work I had been admiring. 
That’s such a silly notion when you take that thought apart and analyze it.
Anything you imagine, work on, build, create… is a 
work of art.   It is your individual expression, unique to you.
The process in itself is rewarding as long as you are not
a harsh critic to yourself.  And why would we ever want to
criticize ourselves for the act of creative expression. 
Who needs another judge, anyway? 

Our “self” is kinda like that canvas. 
Don’t hold your personal self up to someone elses life or expectations.
Oh boy, I am guilty of that.
Don’t be afraid to express your own style – be the true you -and embrace it. 
 Now that I’m older (and wiser!  Hey, there are benefits!)  and don’t give a flying F 
what someone else might think is poor work on my easel, 
I am loving every minute of it. 
It’s not just the gift of being able to put a picture on canvas…
 it’s most importantly the gift of allowing myself the  freedom to do it.. and enjoy it
So the red barn is done, and I came across a photo on the internet of this
snow scene in Vermont.  The photo is a black & white, but I’m attempting
to put color in mine.
 I’ll let you now how it goes.