Happy tails

 But first, let me thank every one of you for your kind words,  advice, commiseration and understanding yesterday. I hesitated to put it out there, the emotional battle and anger  I still wage with myself  on that particular subject.  Just when you think you’ve got it all figured out and sorted, it unravels again.  However!… I have taken heed of some of your advice, and today is a new day.  As a matter of fact, today I take that person for cataract surgery, with a positive attitude and good will in my heart.  And so it shall be.
 Now, on to the happy tails!
 I conducted two home visits yesterday here in my own town, LOVE when dogs are adopted by locals.. I get to see them again in their happy homes or out and about locally.   Once I walked into a store about 10 miles from  here and behind the counter looking out at me was a little Jack Russell face I recognized.   He went to work daily with his new dad, the owner of the store!  Great to see.  
 Here is Roger (now Tanner) with his new mom…
seen below when they first met at our adoption event…
She walked into Tractor Supply and Roger just crawled into her lap.
Just like that..and right there the decision was made.
And here is Odie…formally known as Reggie.. with his new Dad at home.
He is LOVED.
This was Odie at our event, getting to know his new mom!

See the look on his face?  Are YOU the one?
She certainly was.
 Hooray for the Underdog!
If you would like to support what we are doing, we need all the help we can get.
Every dollar helps us get another dog out of the kill shelter
and into the arms of a loving family.  There is a safe to use DONATE button
on the website… Please visit..

Red Dog Project – Another day for the dogs

  On Saturday approximately 15 volunteers for the Red Dog Project came together at Tractor Supply in Old Saybrook to assist eight dogs, currently enrolled in the program,  in finding a home.  Six of those eight dogs went home with new families that day, and I’m not embarrassed to tell you that tears still come to my eyes every time we clap as the “new family” exits the building.   I’d like to thank Tractor Supply for being so accommodating. Another company that gives back to their community, it’s a beautiful thing.

There is an application process which involves reference checks, landlord approval if the home is not owned, a phone call to the family’s vet.  We do all this to assure that the dog is indeed being place in a good home. Sometimes the process aggravates the adopter. The way I see it… if you don’t have the patience to get through a little screening before you take the dog home, you’re not the right adopter for our dogs.

Found of  Dog Days Adoption Events and The Red Dog Project
seen here interviewing a potential adopter. 

Elsa LOVES children. This dog got a home! 

Kyle with one of our volunteers

Kyle with his new family – this baby girl and Kyle will be raised together.
It’s a beautiful thing.


Macy Grey ( still looking for her forever home)
and Jayce with the TS crew.

Macy Grey is a Whippet rat terrier mix who is the cheerleader of
the group. Energetic, always happy to see EVERYONE.
Still looking for a home – visit her info on the Adoptable Dogs
tab of the website linked above.

Roger with his new mom.  It was love at first sight!
  She knelt down, he jumped into her lap, and that was that.  

Thor with his new family, below.


So if you’re thinking of adopting, understand that if the rescue really has the welfare of the dog as it’s top priority, there SHOULD be an adoption -process-.  You should be interviewed, you should be asked for references, which SHOULD be checked, and if you don’t own the dwelling you live in, your landlord should be asked for approval before you adopt.  

A lot of effort goes into getting these dogs out of the bad situations they were in to begin with.  We want to make sure they are not going back to another bad situation.  It’s that simple.

If you would like to support our efforts, we are always trying to raise funds
in order to rescue our next group of dogs.  Our dogs are Connecticut and out of state
pound pups, most often taken from high kill shelters.  Every dollar  you donate
goes to the dogs and their care. Visit the websites above and look for the DONATE
button. Send me any questions you may have and I’ll be happy to answer.

Thank you!


Red Dog Project – Take two

 The first group of dogs in the Red Dog Project have been adopted – the program is a success and benefits so many… for more info or to inquire about adoption, visit  www.reddogproject.org  or e-mail  info@reddogproject.org 

  Today we received, off a transport from the South, the second group of Red Dog pups.   All of these pups were pulled from a kill shelter by a fellow dog rescue person to be transported to CT after having been innoculated and neutered and examined by a vet here in CT. this morning. 

THESE dogs are saved and as of this evening are in the capable and loving hands of the officers and inmates of the York Correctional Institute in Niantic. If interested in donating  to the program or adopting, see contact info above.

First Graduating Class – Red Dog Project!

Well it’s official!  The boys and girls of the First Graduating Class of the Red Dog Project are going to their forever homes!   The program is a huge success and another litter of pups have been pulled from the streets and are on their way to the York Correctional Institute for training.  The pictures below were taken at the Veterinary office today after the pups had their final visit before going home with their adopters. 

It’s a beautiful thing.

This, That.. and something else entirely.

  I am very pleased to see that the powers that be saw the discrimination in the Brewer Bill in Arizona and the state continues to be open for business… to everyone.  If interested, read article HERE.  

 This has been shared on FB, and for me it epitomizes how I felt about the bill
and the mentality of it. 
On another note, neighbor Carol Ann sent me this..

About the Red Dog Project… since the innaugural  group of dogs has now been adopted, they are bringing nine new pups in from Georgia that were living in a small house along the highway, never handled by humans and in danger of being run over by the highway traffic.  One of our Rescue friends down there pulled them all after the owner of the house made it clear he wasn’t going to care for them… and they are being vetted and eventually spayed/neutered.. and will be transported to the Correctional facility here in CT for training and care – and then adoption.  The Corrections Officers will actually drive down on their own time to pick them up, how awesome is that!!  These guys are adorable… not sure of the mix of breed yet.. any guesses from my readers?   We call them the Highway Nine. 
If you’d like to contribute to their rescue expenses, there’s a donate widget HERE on the Red Dog site.  Every dollar helps us achieve our rescue and rehab mission. You know I’ll keep you posted on the highway nine’s progress.  Red Dog is trying to bring the mom home too…that will be more expensive, as currently there is no foster available for her and she will need to undergo heartworm testing and possibly treatment.  

I love when people come together to get something accomplished in a postive way.It’s a beautiful thing.  And you know.. some would say… “it’s just a bunch of homeless puppies, there are so many others.”And I will tell to look at a pebble you toss in a vast lake.. see how far the ripple travels. Every step taken..counts. Every good deed makes the world a better place,no matter the scale of it.
Amen again.

The Red Dog Project – Success!

 Yesterday, the first Red Dog Adoption Event took place in Old Saybrook, CT at the brand new Tractor Supply.  I love that store, now even more.  For my previous post on Red Dog, click HERE. 

  Two of the four adult dogs that came to the event were adopted and all nine of the  puppies raised at York Correctional Institute have many adoption applications as of today and will be placed with the most suitable families.  The puppies were born just days before arriving at the facility and the inmates have been caring for them and have begun their training. The pups mother was owned by a young woman who had a difficult start in life.  She contacted Dog Days (also Red Dog Project) to see if they could help her with her beloved dog and the newborn pups.  Not only did they step up to help the dog ( now spayed) and babies, this young woman has a job and place to live and a much better chance at life.  It’s a beautiful thing.

Tractor Supply is a wonderful company that supports shelter animals
and is generous with their facilities and supplies. 
Support your local Tractor Supply. 

Bear with one of the officers in charge of his care..
He got a home!

Three of the nine pups, could they BE any more adorable? 
Walter with the blue eyes in the middle was my event favorite.
If I didn’t have four…. 
Reggie eyeing what turns out to be his new mom, who lives in my town!

The Red Dog Project is a story of second chances and how important it is 
to open our hearts and mind to the concept in so many areas in life. 
It’s also a story of prejudice, and how we can squash it, one step at a time.
Hooray for the Underdog!

The Red Dog Project

  By now if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know about the shelter dog rescue group I belong to, Dog Days Adoption Events.  I am so excited about a new project Dog Days has initiated, called The Red Dog Project.   What is it, exactly?   

The Red Dog Project rescues high risk (kill shelter) dogs and puppies and
places them with inmates to socialize them so they may be re-homed.   Currently the dogs
for this project are with women inmates and have to be able to stay in a
room behind a baby gate. In the next phase, we hope to also put together teams of  male inmates and  pit bulls who are capable of solid rehabilitation. 

   Below are some of the puppies who have completed their initial training and wellness program and are available for adoption.   As is always the case… in order to be able to do this, we need to raise funds.  We can’t save our next batch of shelter dogs until we’ve raised the funds to do so.  If you have an interest in adopting one of the Red Dog Project puppies, visit www.godogdays.org or send an e-mail inquiry to the e-mail listed on each of the pups ads below.  Donations are easy to do, just click on the DONATE link on the face of the website. Every single dollar helps us bring these dogs HOME.