Thanks for the Memories, REO Speedwagon

On Saturday night a group of ladies gathered on the hill at the Durham Fair to see a band from our youth perform some of their classics…”Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore”,    “Keep on Lovin You” ,   “Take it on the Run”….  The band may be aging, but they still deliver and I was grateful for the reminder.  I’m not talking about the obvious.. a reminder of my own youth and the heady feeling of  group exuberance and excitement for the future.  I needed a reminder that we are all still capable of coming together regardless of our differences in age, political affiliation, education, gender,  societal status (is that a word? It is now)  or race.  There were very young people in the audience… very old people too… and plenty of us who are in between and remember REO in their heyday.   

 A friend and I had a brief conversation last night as I sat outside in the church parking lot waiting for my son to come out of the 5 pm mass, a requirement for his confirmation year.  She asked why I hadn’t gone in, and I told her the truth – it wasn’t required of the parents and I had shopping to do.

 I will make it clear here that I was brought up as a Catholic, but I am not religious. I do give my kids the same upbringing so that they can make those decisions for themselves.    My religion is about doing right by others, helping where I can, being kind and considerate and generous where possible.  I try  to see the good in people,although I’m not always successful.  Science makes more sense to me than what I was taught in my religion classes.  It doesn’t mean I KNOW.. it doesn’t mean I have any more answers or that I’m right in my beliefs. Truth be told I believe that if I was like my friend and had a real FAITH, I might be more content with the state of the world.  I don’t have that crutch and sometimes I envy those who do.   I asked my friend what she gets out of her Faith… and she said simply “I have to believe there is something better than this… People are so mean, I have to believe there is something better”.    

 Saturday night on the hill at the Fair, while REO belted out their tunes… we all sang together, swayed in rhythym together, forgot for two hours whatever weighed heavy.  It was my confirmation that we are all still capable.  Thanks, REO, for the memories and the reminder.

Fun Facts:

Where did the Band get it’s name?  “From a flatbed truck, first built in the early 1900’s. It was very high-speed and heavy-duty for its day, and was considered a milestone in the history of transportation. It was sometimes outfitted as a fire engine. The letters REO are the initials of Ransom Eli Olds, who went on to create the Oldsmobile.”

Where did the band get together?
At the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana. Neal and Alan started it from their dorm, where they were roommates.”

10 thoughts on “Thanks for the Memories, REO Speedwagon”

  1. Such great memories at the mere mention of the band. Very cool to see them in person.

    Its interesting to hear your views on religion. I can see you have been very thoughtfully reflective about it and I admire someone who lives authentically, regardless of religion. I agree with sis, faith brings me peace in a world that doesn't always make sense to me 🙂

  2. I respect your beliefs and your sister made some good points. I was raised Catholic, too and we raised our children exactly the way you are raising you son.

    I love REO…never saw them but knew {somewhat} a roadie for the band.


  3. I live by "Religion is man-made, spirituality comes from the heart"…no matter what religion you are, with all the pomp and ritual, you still have to live by the premise of good in the heart!

    Awesome you had such a great time! xo, misha

  4. Enjoyed your post…again. I totally agree with what you said about doing the right thing, being compassionate, kind and generous.
    Faith comes in many forms and sometimes in the most unlikely places you find yours confirmed. Like at a concert 🙂

  5. i would have been right there with you singing my heart out !
    how fun!!!!

    {and can you believe that acorn you asked me about on my blog photo is a real acorn ?….somehow in the sunlight, it ended up totally looking like one of those felted ones}

  6. Terrific Karen! I haven't seen them in years!!! LOVED them! Would have been singing my lungs out! I adore concerts…although we don't often go to them…every single time Tim McGraw & Faith Hill are in town…we are there! Totally agree with you on the whole religion thing too. I was also brought up Catholic and raised my daughter to make her own choices…and I practice religion the same way you do.

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