Flight 370 and the Circus we know as CNN

 It’s a horrible thing… the idea of loved ones most likely deceased in a plane that has vanished, apparently, without a trace, despite the medias best efforts to create a circus out of the tragedy and put it in our face nonstop 24-7.  I hope the families can find some peace of mind, but they won’t get it from the news coverage or the failed search efforts so far. Hard to fathom in this day and age that weeks later this plane can’t be found, with all the technology out there. I  could go on, but I won’t… instead, giving you one of my favorite bloggers words on the issue  because he hit the nail on the head perfectly, as he so often does.

Ok, so I popped in to see what CNN was talking about today, and yes, you guessed it, Flight 370.

I know I know, I said I wouldn’t watch anymore, but I couldn’t help myself. 

I don’t mean to make light of the tragedy that took place and the 370
lives that are presumed lost. I can’t imagine how the family’s of those
doomed souls feel, considering everyones apparent ineptness  at finding a
plane that somehow just disappeared out of the sky.

What I am making light of is this “Saturday Night live Skit” CNN calls it’s coverage of this disaster.

I mean, seriously, can you be anymore over the top with your coverage?

Their never ending banner that runs 24/7 across the bottom of the screen which yells,


Hey CNN. It’s not BREAKING news anymore.

They now have a counter going, telling us the ESTIMATED BLACK BOX LIFE.

Last I checked it was 6 DAYS      2 HOURS.


It’s like the Times Square countdown to the new year. The only thing missing on the CNN set are the party favors.

Just when I thought I’d seen everything that would make Walter Cronkite
puke, their coverage switched from the studio to a guy standing in a
little boat 10 miles at sea from Perth.

Was he in the search area, is that why he was in a little boat? Hell no. He was hundreds of miles from the search area.

So…..did they put him in a boat no where near the search area so as he
was talking about the authorities searching the ocean for clues, we
could get an idea of what the ocean looks like?

As they were wrapping up the segment, Wolf Blitzer ( I always think of
Dash Riprock of Beverly hillbilly fame when I hear his name ) asked the
reporter standing in the little boat hundreds of miles from the search
zone, if he see’s any junk in the water where he is at. I could tell the
reporter just wanted to yell at Dash, I mean Wolf, “hell no I don’t see

I’m giving up CNN for lent. I swear.

You can visit Marks blog HERE. I highly recommend it.   And.. blogger will not let me correct the annoying placement of sentences or spaces between sentences this morning.. I apologize for the odd format.   *sigh*