The Gold Medal I would give out…

My family has been enjoying the winter Olympics, even though I wanted to boycott the whole thing when I heard Putin was poisoning the stray dogs in the Olympic Village area.. dogs that had been brought there by construction crews to guard the sites, then abandoned when they were no longer needed.  A pest control company was hired to use poison darts to kill the approx. 5,000 dogs disgarded.    Disgusting. 

The Sochi Gold medal I would give out – goes to all the visitors, russian activists and athletes  who are adopting  some of the dogs and puppies who were left behind.  

Several American Olympians of note –  slopestyle skiing silver medalist Gus Kenworthy.  
This guy has actually postponed his return home in order to get the paperwork
necessary to allow him to adopt several stray puppies that have captured his

 From NBC Connecticut – Lindsey Jacobellis may have failed to medal in snowboard cross in Sochi, but she’s still going home a winner. The Olympian has adopted one of the
Russian town’s famed stray dogs, whose uncertain fates have made for one
of the major human (not to mention canine) interest stories of these
Winter Games.
Ryan Miller and the U.S. men’s hockey team have joined the puppy-loving masses.
one of their tweets..
 “Couple of stray dogs have been cleaned up and adopted by players.” 
And there are more!
I love when that happens.  These are my Gold medal winners
Believe it or not, and maybe you are of the same belief,  there people who criticize those from the US  who adopt an animal from elsewhere.  Even now there are some with negative comments about these Olympic adoptions.   My view is.. an animal savedis an animal saved.  You only serve to discourage what is truly courageous and generous behavior when you inflict such criticism.  If you were an American visiting another country and came across a person in immediate need of help and could DO something about it.. would you just walk away because he or she is not an American?