The Greatness…. it’s Yuge.

     Just curious… at what point exactly is it safe to assume no one believes absolutely everyone but the POTUS is a liar? The guy who contradicts himself constantly, lies to the public openly, documented, not fake news when it comes out of his own mouth, those guys you all thought were swampy until they stood next to 45, the guy who throws his own people under the bus when it suits him, that guy. Jesus, NO ONE is going to want to work for him.  I’m surprised we aren’t yet seeing resignations left and right.  Unless… could it be true, the swamp is even swampier than we thought?  

       And…When does it feel justified to believe anything the news came out with if it were about the opposite party, but if it’s about  your guy, it’s all fake news? When does it start getting uncomfortable to defend this bullsh@t, even if you believe in his policy?

   R*ssia…. is going to provide us with transcripts?  Because we can’t rely on our own government (specifically the POTUS) to provide us with the truth?…. 

   What a zoo.