The K List

      First – my thoughts and prayers are with all those dealing with the flood devastation in Texas. In this day and age, with all the forecasting we’re able to do, how is it we still can’t evacuate people out of a very dangerous hurricane or tornado zone before it actually hits?   I’m seeing images of elderly folk trapped in three feet of water in nursing homes, families still trapped in their flooded houses, animals drowned, electrocuted or sitting on top of kennel houses in pounds…   How are we not able to secure the people and animals of an area before the disaster hits when we have the forewarning. 
    What we have here in New England right now is a down-right chilly end-of-August.   It was 58 degrees as I fed the horses this morning.  There were even a few fall leaves on the stone walls.  I love fall, but NOT YET!!….  
I actually made (Brenda’s) Taco Soup for dinner last night  and an old Banana Bread recipe this morning to help cut through the chill.  The BB recipe is as follows – real simple, never fails. Important not to over-bake it, as you want it really moist. 

4 very ripe bananas (that’s important) 
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
t tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups flour
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease 1 loaf pan. Throw all ingredients in mixing bowl and mix well.  Poor into pan and bake for approx. 45 minutes to an hour, depending on oven.  I start checking after 40 minutes. When toothpick comes out clean, it’s done. 
Sharing some pictures I took in our late summer garden
yesterday as I clipped back what was growing a little too wild

I found this perfect little two inch mushroom ….
    and went back out there this morning 
because.. this..

   Till soon, friends –