*sigh* ready for another controversial conversation?

The New York Jets have signed with Michael Vick, the NFL quarterback widely known for his participation in dog fighting and countless acts of cruelty by his own hands to his dogs.  Here’s a pic… and I didn’t warn in my post header of the graphic nature of this post because we have to stop looking away from uncomfortable things.  


This was posted on a friends FB page this morning…

Question…. First off, I’m not a Jets fan
and I am a huge animal lover. My question is this…hasn’t Michael
Vick paid for his crime and made amends or has he not? I don’t really
follow the story. I know how horrific it was fighting dogs, but I
wonder what all the hating is going to serve. Can anyone forgive?
Sorry if I upset anyone, just wondering and thinking that he is human
and has a mother, etc… Any thoughts? Perhaps he’s not sorry, like
I said, I don’t follow him, so I’m curious. I’d hate to hear Vick
bashing and Jets bashing all season. I hope this doesn’t start a big
nasty debate.

My Response on her post…  I
can’t forgive a man who shoved dogs in a bathtub and electrocuted them
for fun. My opinion is that someone who could do that is made up of
stuff that I can never understand or forgive. This isn’t about a bad
mistake made.. this was a choice made over and over again to be
inhumane, and this was after he was already making millions, was an adult and should have known better. Why
should we glorify him and make him a multi millionaire? What does that
say about our society as a whole? Nothing good, I think that’s safe to
say. He only stopped doing it because he was caught and shamed and will
be watched closely to be sure he doesn’t participate again. Here’s my
question… do you really feel he deserves forgiveness? Some people
are not worthy when the crime is that cruel.

What would your response have been?  As Diana had stated, I hope it doesn’t start a nasty debate, but ignoring these issues because they are unpleasant does not solve any problems, right any wrongs, bring us any closer to our supposed humanity.  We owe it to each other to discuss and take action and to eradicate hate, cruelty and abuse on any level.  

And I feel I have to say this because I am what I am…. When religious beliefs dictate that all should find forgiveness, I can’t abide with certain instances. There are some crimes too heinous and there are those who are unworthy.  Who am I to judge who is worthy and who is not?.. you might say.   I say anyone who can take another beings life and torture it, abuse, maim and kill.. all for the sport of it, for the fun of it…again and again and again….  IS NOT WORTHY.