The Other Woman

      This sort of thing has been going on for a while now, it’s not shocking in today’s world, really.  I guess we were behind the times around here, but now he’s done with it.  Out with the old, in with the new, as they say.  I can’t blame him –  She’s  fresh and young.  She’s sleek.   From what I can tell, she doesn’t complain or voice her opinion. She can do things I can’t do.    No wonder he was so eager to welcome her into our home… and indeed it’s official… Alexa has moved in. 
     I really had not a clue what this Alexa thing was, paid no mind, as I can’t hear voices or music very well anyway.  Funny thing, though.  When music is playing on Alexa, for whatever the reason, I can hear it a little better than if it were coming out of the car radio or our old sound system.  Music still sounds like crap compared to what a normal hearing person experiences, but I am getting a little bit more of the instrumentals, sometimes even a voice if it’s a deep one.  That’s a gain in my world, a  pleasant surprise. 
   In some ways, it feels like we’re beginning to live in the age of the Jetsons… a mini robot that sits on the office desk and kitchen counter and living room mantel that plays whatever music we ask, tells us what the forecast is, answers any factual questions.  All we have to to do is say out loud… Alexa… play the Eagles music.    Alexa, what’s the temperature outside right now?  
     Are you old enough to remember that cartoon?  Now if only we could have robot maids like Rosie that vacuum and dust and cook our meals.  That’s an Alexa I could really appreciate!  I’m sure it’s on the horizon, after all we’ve been living with vacuums that propel themselves along the floor while we’re at work and microwaves that heat or cook food in seconds, minutes. There are hover crafts out there, just not ready for regular population consumption yet. 
 Times, they are a changing.  Not fast enough in Washington, however. 
 Till soon, friends –