24 and The Ring


Happy 24th Anniversary to my significant other! We’ve certainly had our ups and downs, but the ride is well worth the potholes here and there.  Thank you for being my rock, for being such a great father to our children, and for embracing the many dogs, horses, cats, chickens, fish, rabbits, firebelly toads, rats and wounded critters over the years. (OK you made me get rid of the rat.. And maybe “embracing” is pushing it) May we share many more years together in greater harmony regardless of our political affiliations  🙂   XO

A writer friend I know  through our mother’s long time friendship.. wrote this piece the other day on his blog… I loved it, and so I wanted to share it with you.

Click on the link…  http://thepitchbaseballlife.blogspot.com/2012/09/the-ring.html

Leave him a comment if you are also moved, I think he should be writing a book.

21 thoughts on “24 and The Ring”

  1. So – Bob lost his wedding band our first year. Last month, the replacement band snapped in 2 places – in our 24th year. Does it mean anything? LOL. Yea – it means stop opening beer bottles with your wedding band, you idiot!!!

    (Warren's post was very well done, BTW! It's nice to see men helping keep the household together as in my house!)

  2. Happy Anniversary!! 24 years is a rarity these days, good for you. Hope you have many more.

    I followed the link and loved the story, yes, he sure can write. Glad he found the ring.

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