They don’t melt in the rain

 We packed up the Jeep and loaded the trailer and our fearless Leader Heidi and her horse Beemer took my girl to a two day horse show not too far away.

They tented it this weekend… and the forecast called for rain last night and today. 
Cats & Dogs, I’m tellin ya.
Mike & I were up at 3am because the rain was so heavy it woke us.
All we could think of were the women in tents at the show
and how my daughter was probably not loving  the cowgirl life
on this particular night.
At 5:30 am I got a text…
 “we’re good! ”
Tent didn’t leak, but mattress deflated and  bathroom runs
were succesfully avoided in the middle of the night – Amen.
I got there first thing this morning and oh, man was it all just muddy.
And rainy, wet, soggy, damp, cold, icky, yuck.
HOWEVER.. horse people are resilient, don’t ya know.
There were many entries, people lunging their horses in the rain,
riding through the mud in outdoor rings,
and thankfully most classes took place in the indoor,
where those of us who didn’t have to go out in it, stayed put.
The girls had alot of fun (most important!)
and Beemer was a real trooper..
 They placed very well too,  – icing on the cake.
Tomorrow is another day! Good luck Team Beemer!

18 thoughts on “They don’t melt in the rain”

  1. Glad it was them.. I wouldn't have handled the rain and muck all about me at all. You're right, it must be because they are horse people. :-)) Your daughter always looks so great!

  2. Man you aren't kiddin' it did pour cats and dogs last night!! Wow, you'd never know your daughter slept out in it, she looks amazing, and look at those ribbons, great job!

  3. Good for your daughter!!! Ah…to be young again!! I can remember when rain didn't even matter! All we cared about was having a great time camping!!

  4. I love horse shows! We go every year, but no family participants—yet! Your daughter looks like she is really enjoying herself–she is SO pretty and looks like a sweet girl!

  5. Oh yeah…it helps to be young! I'm so done with camping in the rain!!! She looks terrific up there, though! Love those indoors…wish I had one!! 🙂

  6. I'm so glad I came here today! I could fill up your whole comment box agreeing with you! And I'm SO happy your daughter found a NICE place to be! I left a barn like (the one you guys did) that about 18 months ago and SO glad I did! I also had those experiences when I was a kid and SO glad I got away.
    And I also have the horse no one wanted!!! He came into our barn, before I got there. The two people who were supposed to try him said some not very nice things about him. Of course he was out of shape and needed work. I started half leasing him. About 6 months into it they brought another horse in for me to try, but he wasn't my Noah. I ended up buying Noah last August and I LOVE him. I usually do just local stuff because A) I just want my kids and I have to have fun and B) I can't stand all the attitude that comes with our sport unfortunately!! We ended up doing the Saratoga horse show this year (even tho I said I wouldn't) and we were first and champion in our division. I CRIED! My boy, the one no one wanted beat ALL those horses (I think there were 29!). Anyway, sorry for the loonngggg comment, but I JUST posted pictures on a post of us all (my 3 kids and I) at 2 horse shows this past month! 🙂
    Again, glad I came here today and your daughter is GLOWING she looks so happy! 🙂

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