This and that

Whether you like the President or not,
I think he did a good job of saying what needed to be said last night.
His horrified grief has been evident in the wake of this tragedy
 and he’s been a comfort to those families, if there is such a thing.
 I hope he gets the cooperation he needs to make some changes here.
I have never doubted his strong desire to help those in need.
Whether you agree with his politics or not,
I think he’s proven that again and again.
We spent a quiet weekend at home.. work around the farm on Saturday,
cooking, eating and napping on a rainy Sunday – 
Time spent as a family, no hectic schedule, my favorite kind of day. 
All too soon, the chicks will have flown the coop
and you all have heard my -woe is me- drivel already about the
whole Empty Nest thing.
I’ll take what I can get 🙂
I’m happy to report my daughter and her horse Max are the perfect fit…
He takes great care of her and she spoils him daily.
Folks at the barn say he’s never looked better..
“how do you get him so shiney? Is he on supplements?”
..and she says.. yes, OCD!
(she’s not kidding… just saying)
On Saturday morning – a cooooold New England morning –
she and my niece, visiting from Florida, took a lesson together.
When I arrived at the barn at 8:30 am to take a few pictures,
the frost covered the fields
and the horses breath hung in the air.

I knew my niece with her Florida blood
would feel like a popsicle stick by the time she was done riding.
She was a trooper.
I also made my friend Tim’s mother’s Sand Tart
christmas cookie recipe.
I’m telling ya, there’s no better cookie.
The secret ingredient that I didn’t find in any other sand tart recipe…
is the icing.
Thank you, Tim. I’m dropping off a sample to your house
and you can tell me how I did.

It’s a brand new day, all.  A gift, each and every day.
Make it a good one.

16 thoughts on “This and that”

  1. A gift, each day. The joy of home remains even when your kids grow up sweetie, they come home to it over and over… and eventually bring their kids! Good things ahead!

  2. I have read both of your posts over the last couple of days. I didn't comment, because for me there are no words that express my sadness and horror! I cried all day on Friday at work. President Obama is not my favorite, but he has done a good job being there for those folks. You can see the grief on his face. I'm sure the Newtown folks have appreciated it, like I do.

  3. The cookies look great k ! Sometimes the best weekend is when we get to spend it at home with no plans !!!! Hope you have a great start to the week !!!!

  4. We like having normal in our lives. This post about your weekend sounds just like that. It's a comfort to have normal in one's life and that's what I've thought about all the storm victims who've lost so much. Their sense of normal is gone. And now the latest tragedy.

    On the lighter side, those cookies look soooo good! No recipe? Come on, that's no fair.

  5. it IS a brand new day….so i'm taking your advice !!

    oh, and i love all your horse photos and now i want to come and take a lesson 🙂

  6. Those cookies look good; are you going to share the recipe?

    I'm glad K and Max are doing well together. She sure looks like a pro which she probably is. 🙂

  7. I'll have some of whatever is in that pot since our weather is the same as yours… good home cookin' always helps the sad times. Love ya. xox

  8. Your words about how our president handled this horrific situation are exactly how I feel. Now we need action in place of words.

    What a lovely weekend you had! Very relaxing and cozy! I'm hoping for some of that soon!


  9. Save me one of those cookies! That's what the kids and I did all day on Sunday… baked a ton! Glad you had a nice and quiet weekend.

  10. I agree, I think the Pres was awesome. And….is your daughter and niece riding in an indoor arena. Do you have an INDOOR ARENA?

  11. I really hope your President can made the right decision for all Americans. What happened in Newtown has horrified parents the world over.
    I think we all hugged our children a little closer after hearing that terrible new.
    Love your blog BTW.

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